You want to get more clients buying from you.
You want to reach more people.
You want to create more sales without working any harder.
You’re not alone.
What I’ve found coaching women for over 26 years is that there is one mistake business owners make over and over again. Unfortunately, this mistake moves you in the opposite direction to your goals of more clients.
And that mistake is being too general in three areas of your business:
- Your ideal client
- You plan
- Your message
The more specific we can be about our ideal client, our plan and our message, the more sales we make and the more the pressure comes down, reducing overwhelm and stress.
Who are you for?
“When you speak to everyone, you speak to no one,” Seth Godin famously said.
Within the HerBusiness Network, the debate comes up again and again.
“Why do I need to be more specific about my ideal client? Doesn’t casting a net out into the whole ocean of prospective clients give me a better chance of catching fish?”
No, actually.
Knowing who we are for and who we are not for, creates clarity.
It creates clarity for us and our ideal clients, referrers and collaborators.
Being clear about who we help and who we don’t help, allows us to coexist and even collaborate with people who might otherwise be considered competitors.
When we are specific about what we do, we help our ideal customers choose us, and, in turn, this helps us meet their needs with focus and intent.
Your Specific Plan Avoids Bright Shiny Objects
HerBusiness supports women business owners to create viable and sustainable businesses so you can keep doing what you love and helping the people you help.
We help you make powerful connections.
But that’s not all.
We also help you stop feeling overwhelmed and know with confidence and clarity exactly what you need to do next to grow your business to six and seven figures.
Because we help you create a plan.
WHAT are you working on this week, month, year… help you know what steps to take and avoid distractions?
Knowing what your high-level goals are for the next 12 months is powerful because you get to dodge those bright, shiny objects that steal your attention creating a lack of focus and self-trust — losing momentum and feeling like you’re on a treadmill.
Instead, you know what to do every quarter, month, week and day. And, that is SO powerful and builds your momentum in all the right ways.
When We Got Specific About Our Ideal Client We Became Stronger
Even after 26 years at the helm of this incredible organisation, I still keep honing my message.
Years ago, we thought we were there for all women.
We tried to help women in not-for-profits and women who had an idea for a business but hadn’t started. In addition, we supported women in corporate who may be looking to start their own business and actual business owners.
Our messaging was all over the place because we didn’t have a clear, ideal client.
Today we are very clear that we ARE for women who want to grow and scale six and seven-figure businesses and stop ‘winging it’ when it comes to their growth.
That’s who we are for.
Our messaging had to change to become more sustainable, along with the products and services we offered.
Everything became more evident when we started to say NO to some clients and YES to those we could help.
Everything became EASIER when we could streamline our offers to match our ideal client.
Get Specific About Your Message
How clear is your messaging in terms of WHO it is for, the PAIN/PROBLEM you solve, WHAT you sell, and HOW you deliver results?
Can you briefly and confidently talk about your business in a way that attracts your ideal clients and repels those that are not right for you?

Member Karina Pellicone of Plum Petal runs an e-commerce store that sells statement jewellery for curvy women. She’s not fighting with all the other jewellery stores because she knows her ideal client, the problem she solves, what she sells and how she delivers results.
Another member, Bernadette Janson, founder of The School of Renovating, teaches women to renovate properties for profit.She recently discovered that she doesn’t need dozens of lead magnets, downloads and other free things she was once offering to fill places in her high-end Wonder Women program.
Instead, she recently sent one carefully-crafted email and brought in $50,000 worth of business in five days.
She only needed one clear way to get people into her world, and it was through that email inviting people into her boot camps.
That is the power of focus and clarity.
Anita McLachlan is a long-time member of HerBusiness and owner of Sequins and Sand.
Her e-commerce store sells swimwear and accessories, and she has a membership that helps women get cozzie-confident before summer.
Fellow members find it easy to promote her offers and send clients her way because they understand her ideal clients are women whose bodies have changed over time, and the problem she solves is whether those women’s bodies have changed due to age, menopause, childbirth, or losing a breast to cancer — they want to feel confident wearing swimwear.
Get Specific And Take The Pressure Down
I know you’re working hard in your business.
Likely you already work in the evening and on weekends.
Maybe you’re saying no to dinner with friends and missing out on time with your family.
If that sounds like you…
If you feel exhausted or run down…
Remember, you only need to focus on very few things to move the needle in your business. Get specific about:
- Your ideal client
- Your plan
- Your message
Want support to identify your ideal client, create a plan and craft your message?
We can help.
The HerBusiness Network is the most collaborative and supportive community for women business owners ready to grow and scale their businesses. Inside the network, thousands of women get more clarity and focus — discovering the EXACT steps to take NOW to get on the road to your healthy six and seven-figure business.
If you would like to experience the same level of support and connection as so many of our HerBusiness Network members, request an invitation to join us the next time we open the doors.
BONUS PODCAST: 3 “Get Specific” Marketing Strategies That Can Change Your Results Overnight
Take a listen to the Content Sells podcast episode, 3 “Get Specific” Marketing Strategies That Can Change Your Results Overnight to understand the three things you can do right now to understand why you’re not getting the results you want. Chances are a LOT of it comes down to the fact you’re throwing your net too wide and being too general with your messaging and marketing strategies.