Organisations that generate good PR or publicity generally have one thing in common. The person representing the organisation in the media is inevitably well known as an expert in their field and relied upon for providing insightful, knowledgeable information about their area of expertise.
When assessing your PR strategy, a good place to start is by asking how your business gives you specific insight and expertise that may be valuable to others.
Once you are clear about your area of expertise in the market and how you can distinguish yourself from the pack, it’s time to start networking.
Here are some tips:
- Start by building a list of all the publications, groups, online forums and events that are relevant to you and your business. Think about how you would like to be represented via these forums and start planning. By being clear about what you want to say, and which channels are available to communicate it – you’re half way there.
- Start blogging. It’s a great vehicle to practice articulating your response to current issues as an expert in your field. To make the most of your time investment, be sure to be active in your online community, leave comments on other blogs and take part in conversations.
- Network with journalists that specialise in your field. Journalists reporting on specific industries are always keen to develop their contacts that can provide them with valuable insights. Perhaps start with an email introduction highlighting your role and how you can connect the journalists with reactions to industry news, customer case studies or offer to write an opinion piece or by-lined article about a hot topic likely to be of interest to readers.
- Take part in industry events and discuss with the organisers about how you could potentially be involved as a speaker or run a break out session at an event. Event speaking opportunities are often tied to sponsorship investment, but don’t be shy – last minute opportunities could pop up and those who organise these events can be an important part of your network.
- Create a dialogue with key players in your industry. While there may be competitive issues at play, good value often comes from collaborating with your peers to expand your network and create positive PR opportunities. If it’s possible to facilitate such a relationship where you can refer them for opportunities and vice versa, it’s a great way to increase your exposure.
Good Luck!