How many ads can you find that don’t:
1) have a number to call;
2) tell you where you can purchase the product or service;
3) have a clear “what happens now” or “call to action”;
4) have a compelling offer that makes you want to respond immediately?
How to make your ads and direct mail letters “direct response”
In order to get the highest yield and best response from your ads and direct mail letters, you need to:
a) give prospects a good reason to respond and
b) tell them how to respond. For example, you may include a toll free 1800 phone or fax number to call, or a website to visit. Alternatively, your ad or part of your letter may be designed to be clipped out and sent directly back to your organisation to redeem an added-value bonus gift of some kind. Remember that the decision to respond to a low-risk offer with a high-perceived value, is often made immediately. By providing an added-value bonus that rewards an immediate response (or early response) you will increase your result and your yield.
7 tips for writing direct response ads and direct mail letters
1) Always include clear instructions and details on how you would like the prospect to respond;
2) Include an expiry date on your offer. This increases the sense of urgency and ensures a response before a specified time;
3) Always limit the offer;
4) Offer bonus gifts to reward early or immediate responses (in the form of discounts, cash-back bonuses or bonus product);
5) Provide a couple of alternative bonuses and invite prospects to indicate their choice in order to test which is the most popular offer;
6) Always collect as much information as possible about your prospective
customer in order to build your database;
7) Code all of your advertisements and promotions in order to track your results.Another factor that will dramatically influence the effectiveness of your advertisements and direct mail letters is your headline.