How’s business? Travelling along okay? Or are you busily focused on end of financial year, just trying to make it so you can start fresh again on July 1? Forget the End of Financial year guff going on; forget tax planning; and get back to what’s real – your business. Because if you don’t have a business, you certainly don’t need tax planning. I want you to answer the following questions:
- What is your core product or service?
- Who is your ideal customer/client? Are you attracting them?
- Are you serving their needs with your products or services?
- Are you the absolute best in your market? If not, why not?
- Are you profitable?
After answering those questions let me ask you this. Are you focusing on your core product or service/ideal client, serving their needs, being the best in your market and your profitability? Or are you being distracted by the latest and greatest new fad? Maybe you’ve become comfortable within your business, settled for the status quo and checked out? Be really honest here. It’s super easy to laugh off questions such as this with, of course, I am, but are your daily focus and actions in business in alignment with the above? If not, you’re not giving 100% to your business and, like a child, it deserves kindness, encouragement and your attention. What can you do? Develop a three-year vision and quarterly bold goals. With your vision, get really clear on where you want to be at the end of each of the three years. Write down all of the points, for example: revenue of $500,000 by end of year one, five new stores at the end of year two. List every goal for each year. For the current year break down your vision into bold goals for each quarter. Bold goals are simply goals that stretch you beyond where you are now; they are uncomfortable but do-able. Don’t stop with the list, what needs to happen for each goal to be reached? A bold gold is really a project and has tasks that need to be completed to reach that goal. Write down each task. Now you’ve determined exactly which tasks you need to be working on each quarter to achieve those bold goals, get to it! Crossing those tasks off your list should be your primary focus each and every day. This laser focus will take your business to new heights; I dare you to try it. What will you achieve by September 30th?