Winter is almost here and for some that equates to a merry go round of colds, flu, antibiotics and time off work. If you are having antibiotics more than once every five years then your immune system needs some TLC!!
Through the use of specific nutrients and herbs it is possible to boost your immune system and avoid antibiotics this winter.
Whilst antibiotics have their place, it is the overuse of antibiotics that can weaken your immune system in the long term. Research now shows that antibiotics also kill the good bacteria that live in your bowel that have been found to be responsible for 70% of your immune system. If you are prone to frequent colds or flu then it is important to get to the cause of why your immune system isn’t effectively on surveillance. Through the use of specific nutrients and herbs it is possible to boost your immune system and avoid antibiotics this winter.
Where to start
If you are working long hours, have a history of long term antibiotic use, are prone to colds and flu or are just generally run down then the following nutrients could make a big difference to your health and wellbeing this winter. Zinc A mineral that is key to the optimal function of your immune system. Australian soil is deficient in zinc so many people do not have enough zinc in their diet. Foods rich in zinc include egg yolk, pumpkin seeds, mushrooms and oysters. Dosage will depend on the person so ideally consult a practitioner to get the right dose for you.
Vitamin C One of vitamin C’s key functions is to give your white blood cells fuel to fight bacteria and infection. Take a 1-2 grams /day as maintenance to keep your immune system in good condition. Andrographis paniculata One of my favourite herbs when it comes to knocking a cold or the flu on it’s head as it has a long history for use in bacterial and viral infections. Multi vitamin Take a good quality multivitamin every day. You will be amazed what this alone can do for your immune system. Probiotic These are the “good bugs” that are responsible for the function of around 70% of your immune system. Take a good quality one that is kept in the fridge to help boost your immune system in the long term.