How To Get More Done
We all know the consequences of spitting into the wind. Yet, that’s what we do every time we act against our instincts. And that’s why so many are so miserable in their jobs and so frustrated they can’t get... read more
We all know the consequences of spitting into the wind. Yet, that’s what we do every time we act against our instincts. And that’s why so many are so miserable in their jobs and so frustrated they can’t get... read more
Over the past few years I have had the pleasure of sharing my investment techniques for becoming financially free with over 20,000 Australians and New Zealanders. The success stories have been nothing short of incredible. My heartfelt congratulations go... read more
Cashflow is the lifeblood of any enterprise from a street stall, corner shop or charity, right through to a transnational conglomerate. When cashflow plummets (or isn’t there right from the word go), then the enterprise faces, at best, challenging... read more
It is through the influence process that we generate and manage change. Like most things, the process can be handled poorly or well. It can be employed to foster growth and to move people away from negative choices and... read more
“…some of the biggest entrepreneurial success stories of the last twenty years have been masterminded by Jay Abraham. When a man can take the same people, the same company, the same efforts, the same expenses, but by changing strategy... read more
Blair Singer operates from the premise that organisational change and development can only truly happen as a function of personal development. His business is turning companies into Fast Companies through team, leadership, sales and communication training. He also trains... read more
The collapses of Ansett and HIH Insurance, and the troubles at global companies like Andersen and Enron, reinforce what world leading financial educator and author Robert Kiyosaki has been saying for years: job security is an obsolete idea. “Today,... read more
A hundred years ago, in 1900, the Western World was essentially an agrarian society. In the United States, for instance, a significant proportion of the population worked on the land, producing 80% of the food consumed (the deficit was... read more
Life-force Particles: The basic force in the universe is life force, and particles are small pieces, bits, fragments, or parts of a whole. Life-force Particles then can be defined as fragments of the life force known as you. Therefore,... read more
In our family, we had a cousin Willy. Cousin Willy was an alcoholic, but no one ever said anything about it. At least not to his face. Everyone just pretended that there was no problem… including cousin Willy. I... read more
Investor John Burley has a portfolio of 160+ residential properties, shares and businesses. In this article he shares the 12 rules of investing that help him continue to build his wealth. Take a good look at the rules you... read more
The Four Steps to Success In the beginning, great products were enough to guarantee business success. Product sophistication, six sigma manufacturing and zero defects clearly beat the competition. But benchmarking, product imitation and reverse engineering soon appeared…and now everyone... read more