Taking action has made a huge difference to my success time and time again. But there is one special time I wanted to tell you about… You know when you can trace so many of the amazing things that happened in your business and your life back to one single turning point moment? Well, my turning point moment came in 1991, whilst sitting in a carpark in a beat-up old Toyota! A friend of mine had encouraged me to go along to a personal development event with her called Money and You. It taught about finance, business and mindset. As a young woman just starting out, I was curious and I intuitively felt I need to take action and expand my knowledge and overcome my limitations in these areas. But I also remember sitting there in that car park, with my best friend who was going to do the course with me (that’s a REALLY old photo of her and me) looking at the $750 cash I had in my hands that I was just about to walk in and pay for the event with — and saying to my friend… “this is a lot of money – we could go to Melbourne for the weekend with this” …and I was seriously tempted. I was flat broke and that was all the money I had in the world. I was feeling a little nervous and intimated. I think I was looking for a way out. But I am so glad I broke through, went inside, paid the money and attended what was to be a life-changing course. At that event I met Robert Kiyosaki who went on to become a business partner for over 10 years – I became the Australian publisher of his, at the time, little-known book called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and the rest is, as they say, history. Along with my partner, PJ we built two multi-million dollar businesses promoting Robert’s events in Australia and in the United States and I learned so much about myself, how to grow and manage teams, manage money and so much more. It really changed my life. I’m so glad I didn’t drive out of that carpark and take that weekend trip to Melbourne! But in many ways, we are all in that carpark all the time… faced with the choice of taking action that can sometimes feel scary or risky, but is more often than not going to open the doors to the next amazing chapter in our businesses and our lives… if only we could take the first step. And one of the big keys to taking that action is confidence. I’ve always found a great way to counter a feeling of lack of confidence was to always stay in the learner’s seat because when I grow my knowledge, I build my confidence,. And, as we’ve found through interviewing hundreds of successful women The Confidence Habit can mean the difference between success and failure. I truly believe helping women in business to develop the Confidence Habit is one of the most important jobs we at the Australian Businesswomen’s Network can be doing right now. And I’m so passionate about it, I’ve put together a very special, limited time Breaking Through offer that helps you in all of the Top 5 confidence building areas. You can learn more about it in the Breaking Through Keepsake Booklet. It’s yours to download, as a gift from me.
About the Author

Hi there. I’m Suzi Dafnis, CEO at HerBusiness. My BIG passion is helping women business owners to grow and scale their business, so that they can create their ideal lifestyle and make a difference in the world. Every day I am inspired by the more than 30,000 amazing women (and...