Heidi Dening has seen it all. Stressed and overwhelmed professionals are lost in their busy work life, unable to perform at their best. Historically, workplace wellness has told us that you need to meditate, do yoga, running and cooking from scratch, using organic food. Of course, one can’t possibly expect a full-time professional to fit all this into their busy schedule.
Heidi knew she could change this perception of workplace wellness and instead design realistic wellness programs. And so she created her own company — Workable Wellness, realistic wellness for busy professionals.
The road to success was certainly not as smooth as one would have hoped for Heidi. Prior to launching her business, Heidi became a victim of a violent crime that saw her spiral through a year of struggle with PTSD, injuries, pain, anxiety, and insomnia. But this didn’t stop Heidi from achieving her goals.
Guided by her mantra, ‘if it’s going to be, it’s up to me,’ Heidi was able to turn her traumatic experience around to thrive and push to become a wellness coach. She loves speaking to large groups to share her passion for wellness and constantly learning to improve her business.
Advice that Heidi wishes she’d been given when she started her business:
- Before you start, do your market research. B2B marketing is very different and a lot more challenging than the B2C market.
- Connect with a group of business owners who you can bounce off ideas and be accountable to.
- Progress is far more important than perfection — just keep taking one more step forward every day.
Heidi’s advice for someone who’s thinking about starting his or her own business:
It takes courage, resilience, and tenacity to succeed in business, and it’s impossible to do it alone. You will have friends, family members, and colleagues who can introduce you to the right people and open doors for you. So don’t be shy to ask for help when you get started. Keep asking questions, keep learning and ALWAYS look after yourself first. It’s very easy for small business owners to feel isolated, stressed out, exhausted and sleep-deprived. If you don’t put things in place from the very beginning to look after your own physical, mental and social well-being, then life and business can easily spiral downwards.
For Heidi, these knowledge areas and skills are essential for anyone starting in business:
- Asking for help
- Networking
- Being financially savvy
- Content marketing
- Understanding your customers
We asked Heidi to identify the problems in her company that HerBusiness membership solves:
Having access to all the online courses on every subject necessary to improve my skills. I cannot believe how many there are and how relevant they are.
I am also part of the HerBusiness Marketing Mastermind, and being part of this incredibly smart, experienced and generous group means I have access to help, support and encouragement 24/7 on all things business related.