Has start up month inspired you to start your own business? The Australian government may be able to help. This is an online resource is an initiative that offers simple and convenient access to government information, forms and services. It’s a whole-of-government service providing essential information on planning, starting and growing your business. The website is written in plain English and takes you through the process of researching and starting your business, with links to all relevant government sites as you progress. The starting a business section includes, information on legal requirements, how to hire staff, insurance needs and record keeping. And I love the checklists and templates. They’re great for focusing your mind on next steps and addressing any weaknesses in your business idea. The registration and licensing section provides a one-stop shop for registering for an ABN, and with the ATO for PAYG, GST and FBT. If you’re not familiar with these acronyms, you will be by the time you start your business, believe me! The government funds a number of business advisors, who you can find in the advice and support section. There is also a range of grants and assistance including the Entrepreneurs Infrastructure Programme, which includes support for business growth, accelerating commercialisation and supply chain facilitation. If this is not for you, try the grant finder tool to see if other assistance is available. There are no guarantees in life, but getting started in business knowing you’ve done some planning, ticked all the registration boxes and found the right advice, gives you a head start on success. You can also find the Business.gov.au team on Facebook and Twitter.
About the Author

HerBusiness (formerly Australian Businesswomen’s Network) is a membership community that provides education, training, resources, mentoring and support for women business owners.