Maria Anderson, Sustainable Marketing
Your online brand presence starts with your brand story, which is the single most important marketing activity to get right.
A strong brand story is appealing to customers as it differentiates you from your competitors. In this eBook, Maria Anderson of Sustainable Marketing takes you through her five steps in differentiating you from your competitors and how these steps help you to successfully build a strong brand story. 1. Create an engaging website design 2. Write content in a compelling sales style 3. Raise awareness of your brand on Google 4. Build a relationship with visitors 5. Speak a consistent brand voice
“Make sure all of your online content gives the same consistent message. If the content on your website, directory listings, social media and offline marketing speaks the same brand story, you can grow your brand faster.”
Download the free eBook to learn how to apply these five steps to your online business marketing plan and how they can help you succeed in building a brand story. With more and more customers using the Internet to find products and services, a strong online presence has become an essential tool for any small business. Learn more practical tips on how to harness the power of the Internet to market your business by downloading this free eBook, 21 Easy Ways to Market Your Business Online. Download the Free Online Marketing eBook.