My network extends beyond Australia, where I currently live, to the US, UK, Asia and Europe. In fact I’m sure my network includes people from all continents and (I wish I knew how many) dozens of countries. Online networking (and especially Twitter and Facebook) have made connecting with people all over the world, so easy. And arranging to meet up while travelling is just a few keystokes away.
Next month I’m travelling to New York City and so a few days ago I tweeted that I was looking for some social media classes to take while I’m in the US. @laroo (from Sydney) saw my tweet. She happens to be in NYC at the same time as me. So, we’re having a TweetUp! A friend at US seminar company @learningannex noticed that I was coming to her home town and we’re meeting up while I’m there. Where are you travelling to next? Is it into the city, interstate, or overseas? Can you organise a meeting with one, two or more contacts while you’re there? TODAY’S TASK
- Make a note of when you’re next travelling (far or near). Use the opportunity (even if it’s a trip to the city) to arrange a time to meet with a contact. A quick coffee can land you a better relationship, a new lead, a deeper understanding.
- Tweet and tell us about it. (Remember to use tag #30DNet.)