When we think about making progress in business, we are often asked to set a vision, set our sights forward, and look ahead at what we want and what we can create in the future.
But, what if the better and faster way to make progress is to look backward?
Today I want to share with you the counter-intuitive way to make progress. This way creates a more straightforward path for you, accelerates your forward momentum, and prevents you from repeating past mistakes.
I want to share with you the first part of the REACH process we teach at our REACH Retreat in Hawaii, which is to Reflect.
The REFLECT step to creating the business and life you want — is about stopping working harder and harder, with your head down and the adrenaline high.

This is going to sound counter-intuitive, but to move FORWARD, you have to give yourself time to PAUSE and REFLECT.
Out of working harder and harder, with your head down and the adrenaline high.
Give yourself time to EXHALE. Because it’s not sustainable to just be operating at top speed and at that high level all the time.
When we reflect, we become PRESENT to who we really are — to our authentic selves. We notice things that we might not have seen otherwise, and that can be so so powerful.
I’ll explain what I mean.
To REFLECT is to become present to the here and now… And being present is a powerful position. Because when you are present, you are not only right here in this moment, but you can also hold in your reality – the past and some of the future.
You have a much BIGGER perspective – like you are above yourself, looking down at the whole picture, rather than feeling like you’re only looking through the eyes of today… at what is right in front of you now stealing your attention.
When you are present, you have an overview, and you can feel really on purpose.
When we reflect… we start to align with our purpose. Things get clearer for us. So, let’s take a few minutes to look at four ways to put reflection into your life, starting today.
Reflecting doesn’t mean navel-gazing. Navel-gazing is great, but that is not what I am suggesting.
When you reflect, you might ask yourself questions like:
1. What about my work and your life gives me joy? (You’re going to want to know so that you can bring more of that into your life.)
2. And what about my work and life draining my soul? This is also really important to reflect on and know.
BOTH of those multi-faceted questions are deep. They can unearth areas of resistance and stuckness.
What if we take the reflect concept and apply it to your business? Here are two more questions to ponder.
3. What if you were to reflect on your numbers? Going back over your figures for the last year rather than just racing on and blindly throwing invoices over the fence and hoping you’re making money.
4. Reflecting can also be looking back over your clients and thinking about which ones were the profitable clients and which ones were the ones that were taking a lot of time or the type of work that you did.
The answers to these questions are the insights that allow YOU to move forward in a way that you want to move forward — deliberately and consciously envisioning what you wish life and business to look like.
And it helps avoid repeating past mistakes.
Because you’re not just racing ahead or creating the future based on the past.
The truth is that past is largely IRRELEVANT to your future.
That’s also counter-intuitive. Right?
What was, does not have to predict as what will be.
You can choose again.
But, unless you stop to reflect, you won’t be able to see what is truly there. The vision will be a little distorted.
So, I’m going to ask you to do this.
Give yourself permission to stop.
Permission to exhale.
Permission to reflect.
This is an invitation to slow down, even if things are screaming at you right now.
Deadlines, commitments, responsibilities.
And I want you to know that you don’t have to do it on your own.
I’m taking a small group of women to Hawaii this October for The REACH Retreat. If anything you’ve read here today speaks to you.
If you know that taking time for yourself is an important next step for your growth and the growth of your business, join me at the REACH Retreat in October.
Applications are now open. And, when you apply by 14 April we have a fabulous early-payment discount.
There’s no payment required to apply. So go ahead and give yourself the power to reflect so that you can build a future that is not dragged back by what’s happened in the past.
Get the details for the next REACH Retreat here.
Here’s to doing what you love,