For most Business owners, the first few years of running their own show is fun. Yes, it’s a lot of hard work too… but there is an adrenalin rush to get you through the scary bits… and an underlying excitement in building something, selling something and gradually building a sustainable business.
But inevitably the honeymoon period ends… and that excitement becomes frustration, boredom and just plain disinterest. For a whole host of reasons, the fun stops… and running your own business can become plain hard work. And yes, there’s nothing wrong with hard work… but hey, it’s not what you wanted from your own business, right? If you were going to hate going to work, at least hate working for someone else… not yourself.
So how do you get the fun back?
First of all, recognise this is normal… and there is nothing wrong with you, or your business. As businesses mature, the complexity increases… often beyond the skill-set of the owner. So accepting the natural evolution of the business is the first step.
Second, reconnect with WHY you started the business in the first place. If the business is no longer serving your needs, figure out how it can again (tip: this is a good conversation to have with a coach or other objective outsider).
Third, re-evaluate HOW the business ‘does it’s thing.’ Often businesses evolve organically… not strategically… which can create unnecessary complication in terms of overheads, organisational structures and systems… which in turn creates a multitude of management headaches for the owner. Reviewing the business model, structures and systems knowing what you know now and re-aligning them to strategic objectives can make a huge difference.
Finally, take time out for you. As the business demands more of you, it is easy to fall into the trap of working longer and longer hours. We all know all work and no play makes for very dull Jack & Jills… and doing something that re-fuels you gives you perspective on your business challenges too.
If you’re not enjoying yourself anymore… stop… and take steps to find the fun again!