One of the biggest issues we come across particularly with SME’s, is businesses undertaking marketing activities adhoc because they don’t have the time, inclination or money to spend on doing a marketing strategy or campaign plan. So why is developing a marketing plan so important? Well let me put it to you this way – would you start building a house without a plan? You might get something up but;
- It won’t have strong foundations and could fall apart
- It will most likely lack the style and sophistication you would like
- It definitely won’t have the functionality that you require
- Every opportunity won’t be optimised
- Will it integrate well between different areas?
- What about the cost with no efficiencies, strategic spending or economy of scale
- It probably won’t send the message you want to send about yourself to new visitors
- It will waste a lot of money if it doesn’t work
At the end of the day if the house falls down or doesn’t do its job then all that money and effort you put into it is wasted. The same goes for your marketing plan. If you take a slapdash approach to your marketing activities you risk not achieving your results, wasting your money and worse damaging your brand reputation. One of the questions I always try to get my client’s to think about with any marketing activity they are planning, is to put themselves into their target market’s shoes and think – What’s In It For Me? Well, here’s what it in it for you … if you develop a marketing or campaign plan rather than just doing your marketing activities willy-nilly you will;
- Be strategic
- Get better results
- Spend your money more wisely and stretch your dollar further
- Be timely and relevant
- Be more organised for an easier smoother roll out
- Be integrated across your channels/platforms for compounding results
- Know what is working and what is not to adjust your strategy and spend
- Look more professional, and do your brand proud
- Get out the message you want to your market
- Set yourself up for future growth or change
Your house reflects on you as does your marketing, take the time to develop a plan (or get help from a marketing professional, like Blaze Marketing). A small investment in planning up front will pay off down the track with better results, higher return on investment, more engaged prospects, customers, employees and a solid platform for business growth. Not to mention you will be a lot happier with the finished product.