Sales is a dance between you and your potential clients. Just like with dancing, it’s a good idea to know your strengths and to know what your ideal partner is like. If you are a waltz professional, then there is little point trying to woo them with hip hop. Once you know your style and who to target, then there are a few things you need to know so we can have you moving like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers! Let’s look at the steps you need so you can waltz new customers effortlessly into your business so you can grow in style. Follow these steps to the perfect sales dance!
Sales Dance Step One: It starts with you…
If you are going to ask someone to dance, then you need to be clear about what dance you are doing. Know your strengths and which dances you are best at. Then choose your moment when the music suits you and your style and approach your ideal client. Shoulders back, head high and ask with confidence. As you are walking over to ask them, I want you to assume that they will say yes (without being too cocky). Confidence sells and if you present confidently, then people are more likely to say yes!
Sales Dance Step Two: Work with your partner…
Now you are dancing, you have to work together by matching tempo to your partner and the style of music. You won’t start out perfectly, you have to learn about each other and what you both need in order to dance well together. The art is in learning how to work together, to finesse the moves so that you are both comfortable and the rest is down to practice. Try and try again until you get it right. Don’t worry if you make mistakes, apologise, learn from them and keep going.
Sales Dance Step Three: Take the lead…
It’s your job to take charge of the sales dance. Of all the steps, this is the most important. Think about how you can make you and your client look fabulous and seamless dancing together. Think about what do you need and more importantly what they need to move gracefully together through the sales dance. Ok, that’s it… so get out there and cha cha cha those customers through your doors. Let me know how you get on! For the love of selling and to your sales success, Fran