I write a regular newsletter for Web123 and recently I decided to talk about ‘shortcuts’. I offered my advice on improving productivity and I shared some of my favourite apps too. I must admit, as I pressed ‘send’ on the email I didn’t think much about it; it was just another job ticked off my long to-do list… or so I thought.
Boy was I surprised. I’ve never had so many thank you emails before. Bear in mind that I write several blogs and newsletters every week, so getting feedback is pretty normal. But, for some reason, productivity and shortcut type apps were what EVERYONE wanted right now.
So many people emailing me their thanks for ‘letting them in on’ these discoveries. The funny thing was, I didn’t think they were special discoveries, infact, I was surprised how many of these savvy small business owners didn’t know about some really important apps and software that make doing business easier. But then I realised, is it so surprising? I work in digital, I breathe digital, I even read the daily digital news as part of my morning routine. And added to that, I’ve built a business around working better and faster so this stuff is second nature to me.
I laughed at myself as I realised I’d just caught myself taking my knowledge for granted. Yep, the very thing I teach my graphic design mentoring students NOT to do.
And therein lies the moral of today’s blog: Never take what you know for granted. Right now, you have customers and clients who need your expertise, right? They don’t pay you for nothing you know. And even the savvy clients usually don’t have the know-how or the time to wade through all the info out there to find the nuggets of gold that you’re already holding in your skilled little hand right now. Value that. So, I repeat, never take what you know for granted. It doesn’t matter whether it’s deciding on a topic for a newsletter, or if it’s putting a value on your hourly rate. Trust in yourself. You have valuable information in your head and you offer a service people need. So why couldn’t you start writing a blog or record a webinar? Why couldn’t you even talk about your niche on TV if the opportunity arose?
So share your knowledge, get out there and be a loud and proud expert in your field.
Sure, it’s a little scary at first. But you only need one person (not your mum) to respond positively to what you do and say, that’s the only confirmation you need to keep going. Until next time my fellow ABN’ers Bianca P.S. The title of my blog said I’d show you how to become an expert in your field, but, if you haven’t worked it out yet, you already are!