What has been the biggest hurdle?
Gaining acceptance for my ideas, which were considered somewhat feminine or irrelevant in the world of transport. Also, establishing my own identity as distinct from being viewed as an adjunct to my husband (he is the founder/chairman of the business).
What is the motivation (money/own boss etc)?
I have a vision of where I see the business heading, and that is what drives me – to achieve that vision. While I am not actively thinking about my income when I carry out my work, I think underneath it all that would have to be a primary motivator. Put it this way, I wouldn”t want to work like I do if there wasn”t a suitable monetary reward in return!
Who are your mentors?
Being in business with my husband, and having complementary skills has been good for both of us. I am his mentor and he is mine. Through our regular discussions about business we come up with great ideas. I have been very fortunate in that I have had the opportunity to grow my skills alongside the growth of the business, so in most instances I”ve simply worked it out for myself. I enjoy speaking with other business people and will often pick up an idea from these conversations.
What is your top strategy for success?
Have the vision and then just keep working towards it. Never give up, especially when you feel you aren”t getting there or just aren”t going to make it. So often this is the time when you are just around the corner from achieving it. You also have to be prepared to be very firm, be on your guard and don”t let anyone take advantage of you. Being in business is not a picnic and you can”t deal with colleagues or business associates in the same way you would guests in your home.
How do you stay on top of it all and focused?
I sometimes describe my life as a series of compartments. When I leave in the morning for work I forget home and only focus on the work ahead. Similarly, when I leave work I focus on home and am then prepared to walk in and spend time with my son on his homework etc. I believe it”s possible to have it all, but not to do it all. Thus I feel it is important for busy people to be prepared to get help especially around the home.