Susan Carmody has over 20 years experience in the photography world, and has spent time mentoring with some of North America’s most respected portrait photographers and Photoshop experts. She specialises in family portrait photography, however after learning of the growing need for business portfolio portraits; she developed a particular passion for creating portfolio portrait packages for businesswoman.
“I am passionate about finding beautiful light, putting people at ease, and with the photography and filming I do I have a drive for capturing people’s stories through images and sharing them in a way that is accessible and uplifting.”
Susan started her business in order to work from home, and work flexible hours around raising her children.
“The idea of my business came from friends asking me to take photos of their children after they saw the ones I was taking of my own children. The thing I love the most about running my own business is the ability to be fairly flexible with my work hours to fit in with running the household as well.”
Susan’s favourite entrepreneur:
“There are many inspiring entrepreneurs, but I think one of my favourites is Janine Allis from Boost Juice, because she started from her kitchen where she just jumped in and gave it all a go with no formal training; just sheer passion and hard work.”

Advice from Susan:
Three pieces of advice Susan wishes she’d been given when she started her business:
- Make time to plan your day the night before, so that you are ready to go as soon as your workday starts.
- Keep track of your hours for each project so that you are clear on what you are earning and if you are charging the correct amount or taking too long to complete a project. This enables a better assessment of your value and what projects are worth taking on.
- Pay yourself a wage on a regular basis.
What advice would YOU give someone thinking about starting a business?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice, sometimes this may mean hiring someone to mentor you or coach you. Invest in yourself, as it will pay off in the long run. By doing this you are now becoming accountable to not only yourself, but to someone else who is connected to your outcome. As a result you are more likely to achieve your goals.
What skills and knowledge areas would you recommend those starting out in business get acquainted with quickly?
I would highly recommend getting acquainted with your personal and business finances right from the very beginning of starting out in your own business. I would then learn how to put a basic business plan and action plan in place to see how this can fit in to your current lifestyle and needs.
Susan on HerBusiness:
“HerBusiness solves the problem of feeling alone in my business. By being able to listen to regularly updated podcasts and webinars as well as attending Round Table events where I get to meet fellow members in real life, I have felt much more connected and part of a community of people who help to encourage me to work towards by goals both on a personal and professional level.”
Susan feels that she can help other HerBusiness members through offering her professional photography skills to any members looking to move in the direction of professional visual marketing with a combined online and print presence.
I have the experience, determination and passion to offer my photography, filming and editing skills in a complete package that could greatly benefit HerBusiness members.”
Read more about Susan Carmody Photography here.
This post was co-authored by Vashti Broos. Vashti completed a journalism internship at HerBusiness. She studies Marketing & Public Relations / Communications and Media (Journalism) at the University of Notre Dame, Sydney.