Savvy women with strong spirit know there is a better way to do business. For too long we have fought the need to compromise our deeper values in order to compete in the market place. As we move into a new era of women’s empowerment, we female business owners can pave the way to success without selling our souls.
Business As a Reflection Of You
Underneath, it is your life purpose that is truly driving you towards your goal. Your business is part of that journey. It must match your values and aspirations as a reflection of who you are and what you stand for. I met two gorgeous women recently who were perfect models for their spirituality at work. One ran a successful multi-level clothing business. I was struck by her radiance, stillness and quiet acceptance of others. Later, she told me her ‘real’ work is empowering women: listening to them and raising their self-esteem by helping them to dress to their full potential. She said she never fears anything – and it showed. The second woman was a real estate agent. Now, her office was one of a kind. French provincial, no uniforms, but cute Chanel looks and an amazing ‘feel’ as I walked in. She told me later her ‘real’ job is empowering women. She listens to them as their lives change and moves them through emotional as well as business decisions. Needless to say, she has left her competitors reeling. On the other hand, a naturopath I met spoke only of her concern for her business – ‘slow’, ‘challenging’, ‘needs to pick up’, ‘run off my feet with worry’ were her words to customers as they came into her premises. It felt scary just to come in the door.
It’s All About You
My grandmother used to say to me, “Remember who you are, Dear!” Who you are creates the underlying culture of your business. Think of the traits you admire in a business icon. Most likely it’s not what they say about themselves that attracts you, or even what they have achieved, it is HOW they are. You find yourself saying, “I want what she’s got. If that’s what this does for her, I want it too.” Be congruent. Brand your business and position yourself so that the world can see who you really are. It is empowering, energising and so attractive. It puts a spiritual spin on the marketing adage, ‘When they buy your product, they buy you.’
A Woman’s Challenge
There’s no doubt it takes resilience, energy and power to be successful. We have to call on our ‘masculine’ traits – the entrepreneurial warrior that gets on with getting ahead. If you find the idea of being strong repulsive, you will struggle to take action. Remember, your ‘inner man’ relishes a challenge, so embrace him. You will have heard of ‘push’ and ‘pull’ marketing. ‘Push’ is your masculine at work, ‘pull’ your feminine. Feminine energy is attractive and attracting. Use it to your advantage. If you create warm relationships, meet client needs with care, get your inner image consultant out to ensure you look the part, you really only need to stand in your feminine power and success will come to you. Align your actions (masculine) with your desires (feminine). Embrace them equally. Stay anchored in self-belief and you will not have to flap around in the ocean of marketing hype and ‘clever’ strategies. As the great modern dancer Martha Graham once said, ‘You are only ever in competition with yourself.’
Your Spirit At Work
Success starts with giving. Jim Collins, author of ‘Good To Great’ shows that great, long-living companies have a higher purpose beyond the bottom-line that is a powerful daily driver. They don’t need to shout about it, they just live it. Be brave enough to use your company to make positive change in the world. What is a natural match for you to support? What do you contribute just by being in business? When you answer these questions, you will feel your soul sigh in relief.
Stillpoint Marketing
A recent article in Scientific American said that a different circuit in our brain pays attention to our internal, feeling world than our external world – we can’t control our mind with our mind. But with inner awareness and simply taking a breath, we may be able to escape our racing thoughts and this has important implications for stress and mental illness. Our greatest moments of happiness are times we spend fully involved and inwardly engaged in a situation: be it a physical activity, a sensory experience or intimacy with another person. Cultivate your inner connection and you will like who you see in the mirror. You will be full of enthusiasm and you will know the right steps to take in marketing your business.
Six Steps towards Empowering and Soulful Marketing
- See your business as part of your life purpose and journey
- Know what you are really selling
- Be congruent. Brand your business to reflect who you truly are
- Embrace your feminine desires and masculine drives equally
- Use your business to contribute to a greater good
- Cultivate stillness and inner connection as a way to move forward
Follow these empowering principles and success will be yours _ without selling your soul. It’s your chance to change the way women do business for the best, forever.