For the past 17 years, the Australian Businesswomen’s Network has been recognising the achievements of women who are leaders in their field through the Businesswomen’s Hall of Fame. This year was no different. Eighteen inspirational and successful female entrepreneurs were honoured for their hard work in the business world. Every year we ask the women inducted into the Businesswomen’s Hall of Fame to share their story and the secrets of their success with us. And this year we found something we think is really pretty huge. When we looked at the answers we received from our Hall of Fame Inductees regarding the secrets to their success, we saw a striking pattern. And, even more importantly, we saw one underlying HABIT significantly influencing that pattern. When we dug into it a little more, it turns out this HABIT is scientifically linked to better business performance. It’s been proven that without this HABIT you are less likely to take action. And it’s a HABIT that women find harder to develop than men. Hmmm… so, here’s a habit that every single one of our highly successful Hall of Fame Inductees has developed; it’s scientifically linked to success and our ability to take action; and it’s been proven that women need more help developing it than men do. Sounds EXACTLY like the kind of thing we love to champion here at the Australian Businesswomen’s Network. We’re ALL about helping women in business achieve their full potential. And so we’ve dedicated a special eBook, the 2015 Hall of Fame Keepsake Booklet to shining a light on this one very special habit… The Confidence Habit. Download our very special Keepsake Booklet to learn more about The Confidence Habit and how it’s led our group of 18 inspiring businesswomen to success.
About the Author

Hi there. I’m Suzi Dafnis, CEO at HerBusiness. My BIG passion is helping women business owners to grow and scale their business, so that they can create their ideal lifestyle and make a difference in the world. Every day I am inspired by the more than 30,000 amazing women (and...