Webinars are great sources of information that can be repurposed into a multitude of different digital assets to help drive traffic to your business long after the original post. Here are a few simple ways to extend the lifespan of your webinar:
Make a recording — Recordings give people who are interested but might not have been able to attend the live event a second chance to access the webinar. They also allow you to store the information online, where it can be purchased in the future. This can enable you to build an online library of webinars and other resources about various topics for future access and purchasing.
Write it up — Sending the webinar audio to a transcriptionist (or even transcribing it yourself) is a great way to capture the content from the webinar to repurpose in other formats. Once you have the audio typed up you can see the different discussion points and turn these into a number of written pieces you can post on your blog or website. If the webinar refers to events or products, you can use this post to cross-promote your business and create engaging marketing.
Gather testimonials — People often tweet about webinars, and leave great testimonials in the post-webinar survey. These can be used to market future webinars and your business in general. Sending a link in an email or newsletter saying “Hey, you missed a great webinar, here’s what people said…” can be a great way to remind people about the webinar after its initial posting, and to attract potential customers to other resources and services you offer.
Make a slideshow — Slideshare is a great social network for connecting people to different presentations and information. Slideshare gets a lot of traffic and is a great way to create new leads where people searching for related information can find your business. In the description section you can put links to drive traffic to your site and give further information on the original webinar or upcoming events.
Create a podcast — Another great idea to extend the life of your webinar is to strip the audio, chop it up, overlay a bit of music and turn it into a podcast. Podcasts can be easily downloaded via your website or iTunes. Podcasts are extremely attractive and easy ways for people to access information, whether in the car on their way to work, or at home. iTunes also has a huge amount of traffic so you have the potential to be found and reach a vast audience.
HerBusiness runs regular webinars designed to support skills-development for small-business owners. You can learn more about upcoming webinars, here.