Have you ever met someone that totally exudes passion and energy? Just being around them, hearing something they say or reading something they write makes you feel fabulous. It’s absolutely contagious. It makes you want some of what they have, and lots of it!
And then there is the opposite; people who communicate in a drab, uninteresting fashion. They leave you feeling uninspired. There is no impetus to be around them or to hear about the things they do. The thought of doing business with them simply never enters your mind.
Where do you fit on the continuum of passionate versus complete bore? In what situations could do with a bit more exuberance in your style?
Let’s take a look at what you can do to crank up the passion when it really counts so that you start attracting the business you really want.
Tips to Increase Passionate Communication:
Use Descriptive Words
Start paying attention to the words you use to regularly describe what you are talking about. Instead of saying ‘good’ ‘great’ ‘nice’, start to use much more expressive words such as ‘wonderful’ ‘excellent’ ‘stunning’. Make a list of some descriptive words that really resonate with you and start incorporating them into your every day language.
Vocal Variety
Listen to the sound of your voice when you speak. Tape recording your voice or asking others for feedback can really help here. Ensure that you use a variety of up and down tones when you are speaking rather than the same tone (otherwise referred to as ‘monotone’). Also vary the pace of your voice. Both of these are engaging qualities as they reveal a variety of emotion. Practice speaking with a passionate, enthusiastic tone. Pay attention to what it is about others voices that make them appealing and engaging.
Smile Lots
This requires no explanation. Smiling shows warmth and enthusiasm, makes you seem approachable and is completely contagious. Just by smiling at someone you build an immediate connection.
Use Your Facial Expressions
Our facial expressions convey detailed emotion. If your words are passionate but your facial expressions are not, you can come across as insincere. Practice telling a story standing in front of the mirror. Vary your facial expressions in an exaggerated fashion and notice the difference it makes. Practice making facial expressions for a variety of emotions.
Hand Gestures
You can increase the visibility of your passion and enthusiasm by using hand gestures. They also open up your body and make you seem more warm and approachable. You don’t have to use over the top gestures, but it is a great way to relax, let your boundaries down and show how you feel visually.
Posture and Gait
There is nothing like good posture and gait. Walk tall, strong and with confidence. Hold your head high, look people in the eyes, get some vibrancy in your step. Practice standing tall: imagine you have a big long string through your spine and being held above your head pulling you up straight. Practice yoga, Pilates or similar disciplines that improve posture, strength and agility.
Energy Levels
When we feel good, we are more likely to express ourselves passionately than when we are tired or feeling down on ourselves. Ensure you exercise regularly, get lots of fresh air and sunshine, eat a balanced diet and take part in ‘me time’ where you meditate or rejuvenate in your own way. High energy is very attractive to others and shows in the way we walk, talk and express ourselves.
Which of these areas could heighten your connections? Pick one or two points, practice on your own and then start incorporating them into your everyday interactions. But watch out! Passionate communication is very attractive, you may start getting a lot more invitations then you bargained for.
Model Passionate People
Who do you know that is a really powerful communicator? Get your hands on some good videos of great communicators. At your next networking event or social gathering, watch the good socialisers and pick up what they are doing. Then go home and practice in front of a mirror or video camera. I know this sounds silly, but it’s the best way to improve!