Simone Leslie is a neuro-strategist, speaker, and author who aims to help businesses and individuals break through their limiting and self-sabotaging habits in order to achieve their desired results whether personal or professional. Part of Simone’s success as a neuro-strategist comes from her ability to relate to her clients. During her early 20s, working as a television presenter, she went through a period of severe depression that led her to believe she “wasn’t worthy of love or life.” At a point of desperation, she was determined to find out what was making her feel this way and began studying the brain. She then completed her practitioner and masters in Neuro Linguistic Programming. This had such a profound effect on her life that she knew she could help others as well. Simone admits that running her business as a neuro-strategist from a coastal country town hasn’t always been easy. However, she has made the most of it through social media and marketing. She has been able to extend her services outside of the Sunshine Coast not only through travel but also by developing online packages. Being a part of the Australian Businesswomen’s Network (ABN) has also helped Simone expand her business outside of her rural area as well as gain valuable business knowledge. She’s found that the Entrepreneur’s Roundtables has been especially valuable for her in “gaining insight and direction” but she also points out all the other opportunities the ABN has to offer. “The ABN really has just about any resource you could need for your business, and if they don’t provide it personally, I would bet they can link you to someone who can,” Simone said. Simone’s advice for women who are starting their own business in a regional or remote community is to take advantage of the internet and invest time into social media marketing. She also emphasises the importance of continuing to learn and grow as an entrepreneur. “The ABN is a brilliant resource for this – location is no barrier for membership,” Simone added. This post was co-authored by Courtney Sweeney. Courtney is currently completing a journalism internship at the Australian Businesswomen’s Network. She studies journalism, political science, and public relations at Michigan State University in the United States.
About the Author

Simone Leslie is a Master Neuro Strategist, speaker, author & blogger for Her Business, (formerly the Australian Business Women’s Network.) Over the past two decades she has presented to millions through national television and live audiences. Her forte is Creative Breakthrough & Lasting Motivation Strategies! Combining Neuro Science with Emotional...