Meet Bianca de Reus – Member Podcaster
In her Connecting Soul Beings podcast, Bianca de Reus helps people elevate their spiritual abilities, by connecting with their inner self, their guides, the animal kingdom, ancestral lineage and Source.
What is the name of your podcast?
Connecting Soul Beings
When did you launch your podcast?
Late 2019
How would you best describe your podcast? What is the show about?
#CSBPodcast offers you inspiration, tips and learning about soul-to-soul connection, self-leadership, spiritual awakening, animal communication and all other things metaphysical.
#CSBPodcast helps you tune into the language of the soul, inspiring you to gain a deep, intuitive understanding of your inner self, the animal kingdom, your guides, your spiritual abilities and Source. By sharing her own knowledge, experience and wisdom, Bianca also brings spiritual leaders, energy healers, and awakened humans together, so we are able to collaborate and raise the energy, the vibration, on this planet. We help you and other listeners become more connected, feeling loved and joyful by being free to be who they are. CSB Podcast provides a clear direction on how to truly connect, soul-to-soul.
“I help people to awaken the awareness of self love and joy through soul connection.”
Why did you decide to start a podcast?
To reach a broader audience and also people who may not be on Social Media, and love learning by listening. It also provides a platform to showcase other experts in my field.
Tell us about your business…
My vision is Bridging Spirit and Humanity. I help people to awaken the awareness of self love and joy through soul connection. I consciously align Souls to Soul and help people elevate their spiritual abilities, by connecting with their inner self, their guides, the animal kingdom, ancestral lineage and Source. I bring clarity by guiding people to trust, align, connect and raise their vibration through the flow of energy.
In short, I help spiritual newbies connect to their inner self, so they experience joy, self love and freedom, by bringing clarity, confidence and alignment through intuitive guidance and animal communication.
How does your podcast support your business activity? Or is it a separate, hobby project?
Great question. It started as a side hobby, but I am more and more aligning it with my business activities as it helps to bring more people into my community so I can help them personally.
What advice would you offer women who are thinking about starting their own podcast?
Keep it simple and low cost. Start with a free audio recording and editing program, and invest in a mic, that is cost effective. Nothing too fancy as you don’t need this yet. Make sure you have a podcast platform that integrates with others.