What Does “Making It” Even Mean? When you’re starting a business, there’s no easy road to success – “making it” in the business world isn’t easy! “Making It” means different things to different people and there are probably as many definitions of it as there are businesses in Australia! Here are some of the top responses from our community of businesswomen around what “Making It” means to them: “Surviving the first 5 years!” With Australian Bureau of Statistics data confirming an average of 44 small businesses are closing their doors every day, just staying in business can be a badge of honour these days. “Making money” For many business owners, getting a business off the ground often means putting their own money in to get established. And many people are often working for less money in their own business than what they could earn employing similar skills and working less hours elsewhere. That can be tough… and unsustainable, so there’s something very sweet about the moment your business starts making money. “Leading the pack” When you started your business, there was probably already a leader or two in your field who you admired and perhaps even emulated. They had the best clients. They were also the ones the media called on for comment and were likely the keynote speaker at your industry conference. So it’s hugely gratifying when those opportunities start coming your way and your vision for being known as a thought leader at the top of your game starts to become a reality. “Security” Getting your business to a place where you have some stability, for example a steady cash flow, a solid client base and a well-trained team is a great milestone for any business owner. Many of our members tell us finding a way to get their business to this point is one of their greatest challenges and biggest goals. “Fulfilling my vision” Everyone who starts a business has a vision. Perhaps it’s to make a better product than what’s already available, or to revolutionise a market with something totally new. Or perhaps it’s to make a significant contribution in a field you are passionate about or create a better life for your family. Whatever that vision is, every entrepreneur is driven by the thrill of seeing that dream become reality. “Making a difference” More and more ABN members see community contribution and philanthropic activities as central to their purpose (and what customers increasingly expect). Being able to get your business to a point where it’s really making a difference and changing lives in a sustainable way is definitely one of those “Yes, I’ve made it!” moments.
About the Author

HerBusiness (formerly Australian Businesswomen’s Network) is a membership community that provides education, training, resources, mentoring and support for women business owners.