Celebrating the New Year and set-ting new goals go hand in hand. Even though nothing really changes from 31 December 1999 to 1 January 2000, the New Year symbolises a fresh start. Time to reassess the goals you have and decide on some new ones. One of the reasons those new year goals often don”t last the distance is that we haven”t really made sure that the reason we want the goal is strong enough for us to carry it through. We haven”t been strict enough with ourselves in the process of deciding “Is this something I am willing to go for 100%?” So how do you make sure? Try this. Imagine you are interviewing yourself around your goals: the ones you have been working on for some time and the ones you are going to set. It is a rigorous interview and the new goal will only be allowed on your list if it can pass the test.
These are some of the questions you might ask yourself:
- What are the reasons I want this goal, what will I have achieved when I get it? Write a list – every reason from the grandest to the smallest, even pettiest, is a valid reason.
- Is there a reason among all those that really excites me – a reward that will keep me going when the going gets tough?
- What may I have to give up to have this goal in my life – and am I willing to do this?
- What will be the cost to me of having this goal?
- What will be the cost to me of NOT having this goal?
- Am I willing to do whatever it takes to have this goal in my life?
- Is there something I am not willing to do to have this goal?
- Is this goal a true desire of mine, or is it something I think I should or ought to have as a goal, or would be nice to have as a goal?
- Does this goal conflict with any other goals I am already working towards?
- Do I have room in my life for this goal at this time?
- Do not allow a goal to get a place on your list unless you are really willing to do what it takes for you to achieve it. And if you find a couple of months into the year that all is not flowing as it should, go back and do another interview to make sure your goal still passes the test. If it doesn’t – drop it!