Every year, the Australian Businesswomen’s Network finds 18 women who have made significant accomplishments as female entrepreneurs and honours them by inducting them into the Businesswomen’s Hall of Fame. This year’s impressive Hall of Fame inductees have one common key to their success. That key is the Confidence Habit. But what do these women do to cultivate this very important habit? One strategy they use is to take action. We know that confidence and action are intrinsically related. Every time we take action, we make another step towards boosting our confidence. As Professor of Psychology, Richard Petty has already told us… “Confidence is the stuff that turns thoughts into action.” And the women in this year’s Hall of Fame know all about turning their thoughts into action. We found that each and every member of this year’s Hall of Fame has been a massive action-taker in their career. Often stepping into unknown territory and blazing new paths. Author, television personality, and mammamia.com.au media entrepreneur, Mia Freedman, says of taking action… “Be prepared to work crazy long hours, especially at first. There really is no way around it when you’re involved in a start-up.” She’s also, like many others in this year’s Hall of Fame an advocate for failing fast and not letting fear of failure hold you back. “Fail fast. You don’t learn by omission, you learn by co-mission.” Another Hall of Fame member who is no stranger to stepping into the unknown and taking action is Narelle Anderson, founder of Envirobank Recycling. In 2007, when she acquired the rights for ground-breaking reverse vending technology, she put in motion a series of actions that had never been done before and have since revolutionsed Australia’s recycling habits. These days Envirobanks are widely located throughout Australia, including at leading convenience store 7-Eleven, where Envirobank machines are positioned at the front of stores so customers can immediately recycle packaging and instantly redeem their recycling reward vouchers in store. How does Narelle stay action-oriented? Well, like many others in the Hall of Fame, she doesn’t let failure hold her back: “Don’t beat yourself up when you make mistakes. They are simply lessons that lead you to success.” To learn more of these valuable strategies that can help you cultivate success yourself, download our Keepsake Booklet. And if your business has you feel frustrated and overwhelmed, consider drawing inspiration and motivation by watching our Breaking Through podcast, where you can see how other female entrepreneurs have overcome similar situations.
About the Author

Hi there. I’m Suzi Dafnis, CEO at HerBusiness. My BIG passion is helping women business owners to grow and scale their business, so that they can create their ideal lifestyle and make a difference in the world. Every day I am inspired by the more than 30,000 amazing women (and...