“My experience has led me to strongly believe that FOOD and diet are the cornerstone of health.”
Sari Young of Sari’s Natural Medicine, is a qualified Naturopath and Registered Nurse. Sari’s passion lies in helping stressed professionals who experience chronic health issues regain their physical and mental health, so their well-being, vitality, and productivity are at their optimum. She says “My experience has led me to strongly believe that FOOD and diet are the cornerstone of health.”.
Through her thorough investigation of her client’s current health, Sari helps stressed professionals heal and thrive through their journey of healing and detoxifying, making it so rewarding for both parties.
Sari became a HerBusiness Network Member to learn and grow alongside amazing women and help grow her business. Her passion for helping people, coupled with her extensive knowledge and experience, makes her a valuable asset to the HerBusiness community.
On a personal note, Sari loves spending time with her husband and four delightful kids. Living on a mini farm, Sari tends to lots of animals, an orchard, large veggie patches, and gardens, which occupies her spare time. She also loves playing the piano, reading, and always takes a book with her wherever she goes, just in case she has a few quiet moments to read a few pages!
Learn more about Sari and Sari’s Natural Medicine.