“I am much happier and calmer, have a clearer vision and bold goals…”
This week, our Feature Member is Prue Saxby of Indigo Gold. Prue is not only an outstanding business woman, and a valued member of the HerBusiness community. We also want to showcase her dedication to working this seemingly simple self-care practice into her daily routine.
One year ago, we sent a copy of The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod to every HerBusiness Network member as a part of our Book Club. It’s a great read, but here’s the thing – most people read books, feel motivated for a few days, and then go back to their same old habits. Not Prue.
When Prue received the book, she didn’t just read it… she LIVED it. Every single day for an entire year.
“Two days ago, I achieved a milestone that I’m really proud to share – 365 days of Miracle Mornings. The result is three full journals of my scribings and many impacts over this time, including: I am much happier and calmer, have a clearer vision and bold goals, work regularly on My One Thing – and am getting great results. BE BOLD AND BECOME EXTRAORDINARY!” – Prue Saxby
You can read more about Prue’s journey and The Miracle Morning over at https://herbusiness.com/blog/
Grant Master Prue, CEO of Indigo Gold and Founder of the Grant Writing Academy helps grant writers who want to banish overwhelm and procrastination. With support and a proven process, they develop high quality grant applications which get in the ‘yes’ pile. Prue offers a Grant Writing Academy Membership; courses and workshops; mentoring and done-for-you services; grant readiness packages; and plenty of free resources.
Unlocking dreams and transforming lives through the power of grant writing is her mission.
Since 2005, Prue has been helping clients and grant writers to get their grant application in the ‘yes’ pile. Her process works; evidenced by the staggering $50.8 million in successful applications she’s secured for clients in the last six years.
A true-blue Aussie, Prue has spent most of her life in remote, rural, and regional Australia, gathering experiences and knowledge that now inform her high-quality grant applications and supporting documents. She’s also a regular contributor to Rural Entrepreneur Australia magazine and shares her grant writing wisdom in online sessions for government and social enterprises.
Learn more about Prue and Indigo Gold.