“Don’t compare yourself to others in business. Your journey is your own.”
Meredith Cowley of Custom Bnb Hosting started her business after discovering a course about using Airbnb’s to create an income. At the time, Meredith was on maternity leave and also recovering from treatment for breast cancer. She was looking at alternatives to returning to work as a Social Worker in the field of child protection. Meredith and her partner enjoyed looking at property, and Meredith had renovated and styled a few investment properties and decided that it could be a business she could create with little financial outlay and business experience.
Meredith’s company, Custom Bnb Hosting, is a short term rental property management company that helps property investors and holiday home owners make additional income from their property using platforms like Airbnb but without any hassle
Meredith has bought, renovated and sold a number of properties and loves property investing. Having read many books on Real Estate and investing, it became clear to Meredith that the proverbial ‘golden egg’ was positive cash flow properties.
The thing Meredith enjoys most about her business is the flexibility, the challenge of learning and mastering new skills and the capacity to build something that not only feeds her family but in the future can be a vehicle to improve the lives of others through donating to causes she is passionate about, like DV services.
Meredith’s ideal business generates enough revenue to have a full time operations manager as well as personal income. It is systematised and growing and an asset others would like to buy.
Meredith’s advice when starting a new business – “Don’t compare yourself to others in business. Your journey is your own”.
As a member of the HerBusiness Network, Meredith loves the structure of having monthly focus areas. Meredith often takes advantage of the quality business trainings and resources to help build her skills. Most of all, Meredith shares that being a member of a Growth Group gives her a tribe.
Who’s your favourite entrepreneur and why?
Julie George – she has built and sold a short term rental business similar to mine and now provides mentoring. She is inspiring and a go-getter.
Why did you start your business and what gave you the idea?
I started my business after my dad sent me a link to a course about using Airbnb’s to create an income. At the time I was on maternity leave and also recovering from treatment for breast cancer. I was looking at alternatives to returning to work as a Social Worker in the field of child protection. My partner and I enjoy looking at property, I had renovated and styled a few investment properties and I thought it could be a business I could create with little financial outlay and business experience.
What do you enjoy most about running your own business?
The flexibility to look after my children. The challenge of learning and mastering new skills and the capacity to build something that not only feeds my family but in the future can be a vehicle to improve the lives of others as I can donate to causes I am passionate about, like DV services.
What three pieces of advice do you wish you’d been given when you started?
- Learn and implement marketing strategies early.
- Decide if you are in or out and once you are in – commitment and get going e.g. get a mentor.
- Don’t compare yourself to others in business. Your journey is your own.
What advice would YOU give someone thinking about starting a business?
It will feel overwhelming at times so find others who are further ahead on the journey to give you support and guidance.
What skills and knowledge areas would you recommend those starting out in business get acquainted with quickly?
- Knowing the numbers.
- Marketing
What does your IDEAL business look like? Even if you’re not there yet, what would it look like if your business was ideal?
My ideal business generates enough revenue to have a support full time operations manager as well as give me an income. It is systematised and growing and an asset others would like to buy.
What problem does being a Member of the HerBusiness Network solve for you and your business? And, how?
The structure of having monthly focus areas is useful. The quality training helps me build skills and gives me resources to consult. Being a member of a growth group gives me a tribe.
Learn more about Meredith and Custom Bnb Hosting.