Do you remember how much fun you had with a rainbow of coloured pencils and a pad of paper as a child? I know I did, but somewhere in the growing up and being an adult process, I forgot how to do it.
When we were young we learned through play. As adults we play less and less, and I think we’re suffering for it. Cultivating creativity in your life has a flow on effect to your business because it helps you to be more innovative, and see opportunities and issues in different ways. At the very least, doing something creative frees up your mind — and we all know that’s when the best ideas appear.
Colouring therapy
Right at the beginning of this year, I was brainstorming for my friend’s birthday present and browsed Etsy, my go-to place for unique gifts, for ideas. Up popped an adult colouring book and I knew I was on to a winner. So much so that I bought one for myself too. And it seems I was just slightly ahead of a big trend in adult colouring, with people all over the world buying beautifully illustrated colouring books and treating themselves to boxes of Derwent pencils (or similar).
If you can’t see the attraction, here’s what colouring does for me:
- Starting small and colouring an entire page or design is meditative for me. I find it really difficult to calm my mind at the best of times, but colouring and baking make me focus in a way that both relaxes and recharges me.
- I’m a creative being. I don’t often get to indulge my creative side (I still see it as a treat) between running a business, studying full time, and being a mum; but when I do, it makes me feel like I’m really looking after myself.
- My colouring encourages others. Since I started colouring (again) I’ve noticed both my boys bringing out their own pencils and colouring books to join me (instead of playing Xbox or watching TV) and I’ve watched friends do the same. I love the idea of a rainbow revolution.
But if you’re less of a colour-between-the-lines person, there are still lots of ways you can harness creativity in your life and business. Try these:
- Play with toys (Lego works for me).
- Learn something new just for fun.
- Make a collage from the stack of magazines in your office/beside your bed (call it a vision board if you need to).
- Play a game.
- Pick a word and write a story using that word somewhere in the text (my other creative outlet).
I’d love you to share your creative pursuits with me via social media. And I want to hear how it affects you at work too. Now go create something!