With the school year coming to an end, many parents, particularly working mums, are faced with increased stress as they look ahead to how they will keep their darlings entertained for six or more weeks. With more mums working from home, it becomes difficult to separate work and family life and avoid the “I just need to quickly send an email” and throw yours kids in front of the box guilt dilemma. It’s clear that working mums put themselves under a slot of stress. In fact, a recent research in the UK showed that more than 50% of mums admitted that their stress levels increase considerably during the summer break. So it’s little wonder that this too has a knock on e ect on parents’ health and well-being. (Anamaya 2015) Almost a quarter of mums in the survey admitted to suffering from prolonged anxiety as a result of worrying about the pressures of the school holidays. Add to this the additional stress of financial pressures of entertainment and childcare, it makes for a gloomy start to the festive season for many. As a single mother of one, I know firsthand how the summer holidays can be a make or break for many mums, particularly working mums. Hence, here are my top tips to help fellow mums survive summer and, ultimately, stay happy and healthy, and still love your babies at the end of it.
- Down tools and plan ahead for days where you do only kid friendly activities. Check out events at shopping centres, local pool, libraries, parks, trip to beach, picnic in the park, botanical gardens, movies, skating or a walk to the local cafe…a lot of these are free.
- If you have to work during the day – make the most of daylight savings and catch an evening movie, go bowling, let your child choose a restaurant to eat out or fish and chips at the beach .
- Ask your kids to write a holiday wish list. You’ll be amazed at the simple suggestions that they will come up with.
- Plan home days as well as outings and keep it simple – sprinkler in the garden, treasure hunt, camp in the garden, get them to organise dinner (i.e. write menu, cook it, lay table, etc), make lemonade and sell it to neighbours, etc.
- Set up a little desk for your children near you – so they can help out and run the office with you, teaching them some great skills along the way.
- Take a break and share the load – offer to child share with a friend to give you a break i.e. you have your friend’s kids for half a day/a day and then they do the same in return. It’s a win win!
- Try to get up 30 minutes earlier than the kids to enjoy a cup of your favourite morning ‘get up and go’ to kick start your day.
- Write a gratitude diary. At the end of the day, write three things that you are grateful for. You’ll find it a very rewarding exercise.
- Wind down at the end of the day with an adult colouring book. Research proves that these are good for your stress levels
- Finally, grab your girlfriends and book yourself a ticket to the GO Festival on 6th & 7th February at Melbourne Showgrounds to celebrate surviving the summer and some well over due ‘you’ time. You deserve it! Click here for more details.