One of the questions I am often asked is: “Why do I need to join a business network?” Being a business owner is more than a career choice. It’s a way of thinking and a way of life. So, it’s really important to have people around you who know what it’s like to put yourself on the line. Day. After. Day. I first joined a business network within six months of starting my first business. 20 years later I still get the benefit of that investment in myself and I still belong to networks for these six reasons…
1. Network and Build Relationships with the Right People
You won’t find me flashing my business cards over canapés. Not often. That way of networking works for some. But for me, smaller groups — mastermind groups, roundtable sessions, more intimate environments — are my preferred networking environments. I’m looking to be connected to like-minded people who will support me and whom I can support and business networks help me find those people are my ‘tribe’. Regardless of your networking preference, building relationships with the RIGHT people is essential to business growth.
2. Promote Your Business — Often and Far
Getting your name ‘out there’ is really important, so that you can become known, liked and trusted by your prospective clients. This is especially important in an increasingly-busy marketplace. When I started my business I just couldn’t afford to advertise. So, I looked at low-cost ways that I could build awareness of my business. I joined a network that could, for just a few dollars a day, give me opportunities to promote my startup. Today, some of the ways that the ABN helps get members exposure is through speaking and writing opportunities, through free advertisements in our national newsletter, and through profiling members on the ABN’s popular website.
3. Access Solid Business Education — Never stop learning
I have never met a successful business person who wasn’t committed to their ongoing learning. Business changes — and we can never be too skilled or up-to-date. A good network will give you access to amazing experts in all areas of business. At the ABN our goal is to help our members reach their full potential in business. That’s why we provide lots of learning resources on our website and through our training programs.
4. Get a Mentor — They really are a secret weapon
This one is a personal passion. Mentors have helped me accelerate my business growth and they have played a vital role in my life. If you’d like to hear more about my mentors and how mentoring can help your business, then take a look at this complimentary webinar I prepared on how to find you very own mentor.
5. Be inspired by Role Models
By surrounding myself with inspiring business women, others who have walked the paths that I want to walk, I remain enthusiastic and buoyant, even when times are tough. Knowing that others are going through this crazy business-owner journey too — the ups AND the downs — is a real life-saver.
6. Collaborate – Two heads are definitely better than one
One of my mentors, Robert Kiyosaki who wrote the bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad, always told me that business is a team sport. And that whether I had 20 staff or none, I needed to have the right team around me — mentors, advisors, the right bookkeeper and accountant and the right network. I know that many of my success in business could NOT have happened without the collaboration opportunities that my business networks have given me.
A Bonus Reason to Join a Network — And this one ends on 31 January
I hope the six reasons above give you good reason to find your right network. And, I want to invite you to consider joining the Australian Businesswomen’s Network. I’m so proud of the results that we get for our members — the education, inspiration and networking opportunities that we provide every day and the access to inspiring role models and mentors. Below are details of our January special. It ends tomorrow. So, go here now to join.
New-Member Bonus until 31 January: Save $100 for a limited time
Premium Membership is just $59 a month (cancel any time).
When you choose Annual Membership (normally $590) you save.
And, when you choose annual membership by 31 January, you save an extra $100.
Here’s what Premium Membership includes… Your All-Access Pass to first-class business skills training One of the first things we do when you upgrade to Premium Membership is open the doors to our vast online learning centre and give you immediate access to over 75 training programs. (Truth is, the list is closer now to 100 trainings.) You get to learn from leading business experts anytime, anywhere — starting immediately.
20 New Trainings during 2015 You’ll be the first to know about all our new trainings for 2015.. and if you can’t make it along on the day, you’ll be able to watch-on demand from your exclusive, personalised training library.
Your Mastermind Group | Promotion of You and Your Business You’re invited to attend quarterly half-day mastermind sessions with other business owners. Normally $195 per session you get FOUR roundtable sessions included in your membership. That alone represents $780 in value.
I look forward to attending each and every round table weeks in advance. It is a welcome break from the day to day grind to focus on the often forgotten yet equally important aspects of the business. — Emma Pinkerton
Real networking happens at these events AND you get a chance to brainstorm your business issues in a confidential and supportive environment.
Ready for some extra promotion? As a Premium Member you can promote your business through advertisements in the Women in Business eNewsletter AND through your personalised webpage on our popular website. Here people can learn more about you business and be introduced to your products and services.
Our guarantee:
Take advantage of the benefits that come with your Premium Membership and you’ll promote your business, grow your network, be inspired and expand on the skills you need to reach your full business potential.
Upgrade today…
We’re loving having you in our community and look forward to ramping up the benefits even more when you join us as a Premium Member.
Suzi Dafnis
P.S. Your $100 discounts is ONLY available this month. So, join today and reap the rewards. Your business will thank you for it.