Maybe you are feeling like your marketing efforts aren’t creating the result you need in order to grow your business.
Perhaps you are at a standstill, asking yourself “what am I missing?” or “what am I doing wrong?” in relation to your marketing tactics.
Michelle Falzon, CEO of We Are Content, shares the five most common, but costly errors business owners make in the 5 Most Expensive Marketing Mistakes webinar.
When you try to be everything to everyone, you end up being nothing to no one.
Many business owners think the broader the audience they market to, the more clients they will end up with. Quite often, the opposite is the result. Why? When your marketing is targeting too wide of an audience, your offer doesn’t reach a specific person with a specific need. Your marketing needs to be pinpointed at a particular able to bring in the ideal customer. So, narrow it down and define your ideal client. Defining the ideal client is the first step in working with people who understand the value of your product or service, a key component of generating more business.
Missing vital elements in your offer will turn away potential clients.
Maybe you are marketing to the ideal client but still not getting the sales you want. This may be appointed to making a mistake in what you are offering and how you offer it. To make an effective offer, the offer needs to be clear and specific. Offering too many things or giving too many choices may lead to a missed sale. A confused mind says “no”, so be sure your offer is specific. Clients are not just buying a product or service, but the offer as a whole.
Not beginning with the end in mind can delay the growth of your business.
Instead of working yourself to exhaustion, take a step back and recognize what needs to be done. Many people are labouring away with the wrong strategy and tools longer than needed, unintentionally hurting their business. Dedicate time to moving your business forward by doing the thinking that will help you head in the right direction. Clear away the confusion in the middle so that there is a clear pathway to success. The goal is to reach customer loyalty and advocacy and a plan needs to be made to get there. Being specific with your “who”, “what”, and “how” is the solution to reaching the end goal of brand loyalty and customer advocacy.
Not having a reliable way to generate leads will steer you away from getting your ideal results.
Very few people have a working lead magnet because they are not quite sure whom they are marketing to, which ties into knowing your ideal client. Once your ideal client has been defined, creating a lead magnet is the next step to generating leads and attracting the right clients. Build up your e-mail list by creating lead magnets such as Facebook ads, an eBook, free webinars, etc. When people think they might be your ideal client, you can lead them up the mountain to produce the desired result with your carefully crafted lead magnet.
Not using momentum to get people moving forward is a subtle mistake.
Finding ways to assist potential clients to take the next step with you helps the sale process move quickly. It is essential to move people forward right away; don’t wait for them to take the next step on their own, because often times they won’t. Get people into movement straight away, as they have already shown a need for your product or service. Using momentum to get people moving forward takes away the “sales-y” feeling of closing a deal and transforms it into a process that feels like the natural next step.
5 Expensive Marketing Mistakes And How You Can Avoid Them in Your Small Business — Catch the replay of this FREE online training here. It’s available for a limited time only so watch it now.
This post was authored by Allison Mullin. Allison is completing a journalism internship at HerBusiness. She studies editing, writing, and media at Florida State University in the United States.