Does your marketing plan need a boost to bring in more return? Sometimes, amongst the sea of tips and advice, you can find yourself lost as to what you should do first. We’d like to suggest these 5 small changes that make a BIG difference to your entire marketing plan! Don’t let your marketing fall into a rut—start making these changes and you are sure to start seeing a change in your ROI.
Make Sure You Look Good
In the marketing world you can’t be successful unless you have branding that stands out. Logos and overall presentation are the first things people see when they discover your company. You don’t need a huge budget to create great graphics; making branding changes an affordable way to start creating more leads you can turn into actual paying customers or clients. If you do have the budget, considering hiring a designer to create a professional look for your business—attractive branding is a great way to make your business standout.
Regular Social Media Posting and Interaction
There is no way around this one. If you aren’t active on social media, you need to be and right away! Television broadcasts, commercials, companies and celebrities all use social media. Social media is not the future of marketing, but it is the best current way to successfully keep your brand in front of your target audience. If you want to reach out to people and become more than just a brand, but a trusted voice, you need to start posting on social media platforms regularly.
Social sites such as Facebook and Twitter allow for specific searches to narrow down audiences and form groups or trends. Your marketing campaign has never been as easy to track as it is on social sites, so take advance of hashtags and keywords! Don’t be afraid to interact and have fun! Social marketing is fun, so enjoy it!
“Does your marketing plan need a boost to bring in more return? Sometimes amongst the sea of tips and advice you can find yourself lost as to what you should do first.”
Regular Blog Posting
Straight and simple, blog articles generate SEO benefits. Creating regular content signals to popular search engines such as Google and Bing that your website should be ranked based upon the keywords you use throughout.
Blog posts aren’t just about keyword content though. Publishing engaging content also gives your customers and followers something they can easily relate to and interact with. Interaction ultimately keeps your customers and followers coming back for more! Keep your content fresh and keyword relevant.
Get Networking In Person or Online
Who are the people you engage with in conversation? Whoever they are, consider them part of your team and on your side. Show them what you have and utilise their tools, ideas, and connections. Networking has transformed into a gigantic social event both online and offline. Now you can connect to people no matter where you are and leave simple comments or questions. If you aren’t connected on sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ you need to be today!
Email Marketing is Still Strong and Alive
A lot of people see email marketing as an old school form of marketing that is no longer relevant thanks to social media, but this is simply not the case. Social media and blogs make email marketing more effective than ever. Email marketing can easily be integrated into your website using services such as Mail Chimp and Constant Contact. Use these tools to build a subscriber list that you can regularly communicate with and send your latest news and content.
Don’t Be Afraid to Change Up Your Formula
Your marketing formula needs to stay fresh to catch people’s attention. Don’t be afraid to make changes and re-evaluate your formula to benefit your brand. Opening your mind to simple social marketing changes can yield huge results for your business. Change starts when you acknowledge what your market goals are and use these 5 techniques to keep track of your goals and maintain meaningful contact with your audience. Adapt and adjust continuously to increase ROI.
Want to start now? What things can you think of to change right now about your branding or social media marketing? Grab a pen, jot down your ideas, and start walking a new path to success!