One of the traps we can fall into when we’re super busy or pulled from commitment to commitment is to believe that we don’t have a choice.
But, what if we were to believe that in every moment we can choose what to put our attention on and what to ignore, what to accept and what to deny, what to share and what to withhold, how to be and how to not be, what to spend time on and what to ignore?
Even which food to use as fuel and which to forgo! (I’ve been choosing more green veggie juices to help hydrate me while I’ve been spending nights in air-conditioned hotel rooms!)
Author Eric Wolery said this:
“Choice is a very valuable attribute. Use it wisely, for it is solely the choices you make that determine the experiences, emotions and outcomes you will have in life.”
Isn’t that the truth?
Sure, there are consequences to every choice we make.
And the lack of certainty about those consequences can keep us from choosing what our heart truly desires, what our soul yearns for and what will move us closer to a brighter future.
Where I am today is TOTALLY the result of the choices that I’ve made in my life: the choice to start a business, to sell another business, to surround myself with a particular group of people, the mentors and role models that I’ve chosen to learn from. I get to choose the way I run my business, manage our team and even how we put together this blog!
Next time you think, “I can’t do that”— I invite you to examine what is behind this idea that you cannot?
Is it a current reality or some left over belief that no longer stacks up?
You get to choose. You are free to choose. Every day.
In October 2017, you have the opportunity to choose to come on a big adventure.
You, me and a small group of amazing women business owners, hanging out for 5 days in Hawaii.
Get away from the day-to-day and just work on the big picture of your business with the help of incredible women. There will be roundtable conversations, laser focus sessions and powerful insights.
We’re diving deep into breakthrough strategies for you business and we’re doing it in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Get the details here.
Here’s to doing what you love,
Suzi Dafnis
CEO, HerBusiness