Are you driving a bumper car… or a race car?
Behind the wheel of your company, you’re revving up a high-powered race car. You know you have the horsepower to get where you’re going.
But you’ve got to keep your eyes on the road ahead. Not just what’s right in front of you this second, but what’s coming at you down the line. If you stare right in front of your car, you’ll end up making dozens of little direction changes, far too late. That’s bumper car driving: you’ll careen off the walls, the other cars, you’ll head sideways and get turned around because you’re not really in control.
Are spur-of-the-moment marketing decisions are probably knocking your business way off course?
When you’re driving a small- or medium-sized business, your marketing plan is the horizon. Keep your eyes on it and you’ll get where you’re going. Plus, driving your business like a bumper car leaves you exhausted, dragging, and sick to death of putting out fires.
Quit driving like a maniac. The key is to make marketing the heart of what you do. That’s how you can grow your business to where you’re dreaming it will be next year, the year after, or five to ten years down the line.
Start by asking yourself a few key questions:
- What are your objectives? (If you don’t decide where you’re going, you could end up anywhere.)
- Who’s your target market? (The perfect product for everybody is one nobody’s going to buy.)
- Who else is in your business? (If there’s nothing that makes you different, you might as well close up shop now.)
If your current marketing plan is reactive rather than proactive, start 2016 off right with a business resolution: build marketing strategies in from the ground up… so you can actually get ahead for a change, anticipating situations rather than wasting time reacting to them.
If you’re like most small- and medium-sized businesses, everybody you’ve got is stretched to the limit dealing with everything else but marketing. To make it easier for you, I’m offering $50 off any of our Blaze Marketing Plan packages so one of our experienced Marketing Trail Blazers can help you get a strategic plan in place so you can start driving results now.
Get behind the wheel knowing with a deeper understanding of where you’re going… and how your marketing plan can steer you there in 2016 and beyond.