So often in business, we face challenges. Be it financial, staff, time, balance or self-doubt & overwhelm to name a few. We handle them in a variety of ways but generally speaking, I think it would be safe to say that most of us would prefer the challenges to STOP!
But…. What if our greatest challenges were our greatest gifts? And right smack bang in the middle of it, we are wishing and praying it all away! Have you ever felt like you are going around the same old mountain time and time again? I know I have and it never feels pleasant! I have discovered the reason we continue around that same monolith is that we didn’t get the “GIFT” the first time around. Most often, we cut the full experience short so we never actually learned the entire lesson, (if at all), and then find ourselves having to do it all over again.
I don’t like to waste anything. Especially not time, energy and resources going over the same old ground without any growth or reward. So, these days when a challenge comes my way there are a couple of perspectives I look at that help me turn the trial into triumph!
Firstly, I look inward at my beliefs and ask, “what am I believing that is causing this challenge? What is preventing me from breaking through to the next level or from achieving this goal?” I ponder these questions personally and will often get wise counsel from a trusted mentor. This really helps to speed up the process, as they have a perspective that is once removed and can often see the picture a lot clearer than I can!
Secondly, I look at the external. Are my planned projections realistic? Have I taken in to account current economic factors, am I on track with my avatar and marketing, How is technology affecting my outcomes, etc?
Mostly I find the greatest challenge for me and the vast majority, is internal. What is already written in our neural programs – our beliefs. Many times we need to stop blocking our success by getting rid of the lies and limitations we are believing. Once that bit is done the rest seems to fall in to place.
Perspective can be our greatest ally when we are looking for the virtue in the vice. When we embrace the process, the gift can change our direction, outcome and even our lives!
Next time you face a challenge I hope you will look at it with fresh eyes and an open mind. It may be one of the best gifts you have ever received!
For more information contact Simone at or visit