Turn one-time purchases into ongoing subscriptions
Imagine not having to hustle for new sales every month, because all your customers pay monthly and upfront. That’s the dream, right?
Membership subscriptions are the ultimate in convenience for the consumer. And subscriptions can bring huge revenue into a business, so it’s win-win.
Music and movies on demand, fresh fruit delivered to the doorstep each week, pop into the gym at any time. Customers crave convenience.
Want to create a convenient (and profitable) subscription model for your own customers?
Identify an ongoing need so you can turn a one-time purchase into an ongoing subscription
In this Business Growth Summit for Women Entrepreneurs session with Stu McLaren, you’ll learn how to create your own subscription model business:
“The membership sites that thrive and grow, year over year, have business owners who genuinely care about helping their customers get results.”
Create a community, satisfy their curiosity for information and learning, or solve an ongoing problem in your customers’ lives. Because when you provide real value, they won’t even blink at the monthly charge on their card.
FREE – 25 February to 1 March
Claim your free spot here
Turn your Knowledge or Passion into a Low-Stress, High-Profit Business
Watch this Summit session with Stu McLaren to discover:
- Why subscription models work for big businesses and they’ll work for YOUR SMALL BUSINESS too
- The story of the carwash company that had 45,000 MONTHLY SUBSCRIBERS within 3 months of opening
- The story of the personal brand photographer whose subscription model offers quarterly photo shoots for social media images
- How to IDENTIFY YOUR CUSTOMERS’ ONGOING NEEDS as a market that your business can service
- Define your niche and BECOME KNOWN FOR SOMETHING SPECIFIC because it makes it easy for people to refer to you
- How to tackle your fear that the market isn’t big enough in your niche
- Why you should COMMIT TO GETTING RESULTS for your customers
- About Stu’s ‘Circle of Awesomeness’: the snowball effect of GETTING SHARABLE SUCCESS STORIES
- The DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A TESTIMONIAL AND A STORY, and how transformative stories are better for potential customers to hear
Meet Stu McLaren
Stu McLaren coaches and consults New York Times best-selling authors, top-rated speakers, experts and niche celebrities on how to launch, grow and scale high-profit recurring revenue streams.
As the former founder of the world’s #1 membership platform for WordPress, WishList Member, he had the chance to serve and support over 60,000+ online communities and membership sites. Through that experience, he gained a unique insight into the subtle membership nuances that produce massive results.
Today he uses that knowledge to help his clients to launch and grow multiple high 6 and 7-figure membership sites and shares the same blueprints at TribeWorkshop.com.
Business Success takes mastering the Outer Game (the tactics and skills, the knowledge) AND also (and almost more importantly) the Inner Game (the mindset, barriers to growth and self-limited actions and thoughts).
You can get access to 15 brilliant business minds, including Stu McLaren, for one week only. So grab your place now.