I love this quote from author Nilofer Merchant…
“You signal who you are all the time. You do so in person and of course, you do so online.
When you signal clearly, for example, by writing public, you certainly take a risk, as you might ‘offend’ someone or ‘out’ yourself in a way that causes others to abandon you.
But clear signals enable you to make the key connection to those most like you.”
I love it because it reminds me that I’m always communicating who I am and what I believe, even when I’m not conscious of it.
What we put on our website, in our social posts, in our emails, on our brochures; how we answer our customer service enquiries — they are all sending signals that are attracting or repelling people.
They are attracting those that are like us, who agree with us, who are inspired by us.
They are repelling those that don’t ‘get us.’
And that’s cool. We really only want to be around those who really understand and share our values and beliefs — who have similar goals and visions.
Yet as business owners, we can often put on our professional face to the world. We are clear cut, efficient, organised and very buttoned up.
What I have found more and more is that when I can send signals that are demonstrating who I really am, that vibe… well, it attracts my tribe.
And I don’t have to remember to be a certain way — I can just inject my strange humour…
… my love of Crossfit and running
… my commitment to wearing black ;-)
… my occasional sarcasm and hot-headedness
… my absolute belief in people’s potential to create and have ANYTHING they want if they surround themselves with the right people and mentors.
The signals I’m sending demonstrate MY beliefs.
And I know that my vibe is not for everyone.
But for those who DO resonate with my beliefs and values, and visions — they’re my people.
They come closer.
They lean in.
It’s taken me a while to get comfortable with the signals that I’m sending.
To feel okay that the signals I send may not be right for everyone.
But when we remain silent about what we truly believe we don’t have the opportunity to have others join and support something WE believe in.
The HerBusiness Manifesto is an expression of what I believe about business. It felt like a risk to share it with the world.
But it IS what we believe about community and business.
And I share it with you here today.
Here’s to doing what you love,
Suzi Dafnis
P.S. I would love to know… how do you feel about the signals you’re sending? What do you wish you did more of or differently?
You can write to me here. I answer every email.