It’s here!
Lesson 2 of the Get New Clients Workshop: Turn Contacts into Connections
Any time you’re trying to communicate your value to get new clients, it’s pretty certain that you’ll hit roadblocks.
You might have experienced some of them already.
Things like…
- seeing people glaze over when you explain what you do
- getting tongue-tied because you’re not even sure exactly how to put all your experience and value out to new clients in a way they will appreciate ‘get’
- not being sure WHEN to ask for the sale (or the referral) so you blunder opportunities when they DO come along
It’s even possible you’re sending mixed messages, attracting the wrong kind of people who will never actually be your ideal clients, suppliers or alliances.
Well, here’s what I know to be true: if any of this sounds familiar, it’s TOTALLY normal.
AND… you CAN do something about it!
So in Lesson 2 of the Get New Clients Workshop, I’m going to make it easy for you. I think you’ll love how simple it is to communicate your value when you do this.
I’ll help you avoid these usual headaches by showing you the three simple steps I follow to communicate my value – to the right person, in the right way, at the right time…
This way makes it much easier for YOU to communicate YOUR value so you can make connections with new clients, get referrals and produce results faster.
And, with less expense and hassle… and WAY less anxiety!!!
Importantly, it opens doors to you that are closed to everyone else.
Go here to check it out now in Lesson 2 of the Get New Clients Workshop.
WARNING: Unfortunately, a lot of women business owners miss a key point.
That’s why I’m going to build on what we’ve been discussing in Lesson 1, by sharing the #1 thing you MUST master if you want to communicate your value and connect with more clients.
Think of this as your “first step” towards making this happen.
The goal is to break you free of that persistent feeling of not being sure how to position yourself, and how to communicate your value in a way that builds connection…
You want to move from feeling uncomfortable and away from ever being in an awkward situation where it feels like you’re constantly lost for what to say…
To feeling comfortable in your own skin and confident that you have an always-ready response that is engaging and clearly articulates what you do.
You want to move from that “hit and miss” scenario where you lose connection with potential clients because they are left feeling unclear about what your value really is…
To knowing just how to paint the picture of the value you bring in a way that builds connection and attracts ALL the right people to you.
I’m sharing this with you in Lesson #2.
Ready to feel more confident in sharing your value and less like you’re fumbling trying to make your offer clear?
And to having an easier way to finally get new clients and referrals?
Then you’ll want to check this out!
Here’s to doing what you love, everyday!

P.S. I can’t wait to share with you this NEW way to stay on track to getting new clients.
It’s a really quick way to show people how you can help them, so that you attract your IDEAL client, and get connected and with the right people.
P.P.S. I’m also including a handy template that I’ve NEVER shared before. It gives you the 4-step system that women in the HerBusiness Network are using to get 10s of thousands of dollars in business from their existing networks.
It’s simple and so powerful. Once you get this, you’ll feel a sense of clarity you’ve never had before around what you sell and the value you can give.