The Australian Businesswomen’s Network and its Community Director, Suzi Dafnis, have been credibly featured in “Women mean business” by Australia Post’s Business Lounge on 4 March 2013. 2012 Australian censuses have found that the number of women running their own business have doubled to 700 000 since 2007; women only comprised 9.2% of executive levels in the ASX 500, while only 12 ASX 500 companies employed female CEOs. Suzi Dafnis stresses the importance of having mentors in a businesswoman’s career-life to help them to connect, learn, be challenged, and be inspired. She notes the issue surrounding women not being brave enough in the corporate world, suggesting:
“Often women won’t apply for a role unless they tick every single box in terms of qualifications and requirements. But men would probably go for it if they ticked 50% or 60% of the boxes.”
Suzi strongly believes women are perfectly capable of defying gender stereotypes and although there have been slow, positive changes in the workplace, there is still room for women to elevate their role by diversifying their skills set with good education.
“Mentors are your secret weapon. … [They] will guide you and help you stay on track with your goals and visions… share networks and resources with you, and be there to support you when you need it most.” – Suzi Dafnis
Read the full article on the Australia Post Business Lounge website.