Yvonne Shepherd of Women’s Fitness Adventures wanted to get clarity around the role she really needed to play in her growing business so that she could create the future she wanted.
“What I thought was unachievable is now totally achievable.
Now I have a plan. I have a vision and I have the process that can take what I thought was just impossible, and make it possible… and all within a timeframe as well.”
What became clear to Yvonne when she arrived at the REACH Retreat in Hawaii was that she was in a room of women that, regardless of the different industries, were all sharing the same challenges and all had the same desire to create an amazing business.
She left with a pathway and way forward to live her dream and her vision and equipped her with the skills and tools and confidence to get her there.
Design that Exciting New Direction you KNOW is Waiting for You and Your Business
Join the most powerful business retreat for women business owners, the HerBusiness REACH Retreat.