HerBusiness’s MentorNet mentoring program has won a Platinum Award for Best Mentoring or Coaching program at the prestigious LearnX Asia Pacific 2010 E-Learning and Training Awards. MentorNet provides women business owners with six months of business skills training and small-group mentoring.
Mentors (men or women with over five years business experience) provide mentoring to women business owners following a structured and planned approach to business building. The program covers business-skills development training, mentoring and peer collaboration. Subject-matter experts facilitate educational webinars (web seminars) to deliver business-skills training.
As a result of participating in the program mentors and mentorees expand their national networks and make contacts that can provide ongoing support after the completion of the program. The role of the mentor and peer collaboration increases the feedback, commitment and accountability of meeting these targets.
The program was launched in January 2007 and remains the only national mentoring program ever launched and certainly the first to use today’s web and digital technology to deliver education and mentoring. MentorNet uses a combination of online classrooms, blogs, podcasts, a web-community and virtual meetings to provide structured skills training and mentoring to businesswomen.
“We are delighted to have the MentorNet program recognised. MentorNet will continue to provide support to businesswomen in all parts of Australia through its use of technology and innovation.” said Suzi Dafnis, CEO of HerBusiness.
For more information: Phone: 1300 720 120 Suzi Dafnis CEO HerBusiness