In the last few hours of SXSW Interactive 2015. Suzi Dafnis (of the Australian Businesswomen’s Network) and Cat Matson (Chief Digital Officer, City of Brisbane) give us a recap of what went on in this five-day festival.
From contemplating the intelligent future of becoming better versions of ourselves to bionics, to natural programming, to mind cloning and to increasing human longevity, the diversity of topics at SXSW was impressive. Not only is it a technological, digital and social media conference but SXSW is truly interactive, as the festival name suggests because new, innovative things are discovered, melded, merged and converged.
The exploration of how technology is changing our lives was also a remarkable topic of discussion. From the talks, Suzi learned that the quicker technology is embraced the better because the quicker mistakes are made, the quicker you can correct them.
Join us in 2016. More details, here on the SXSW website.