How do you get from where you are now to where you want to be without wasting time?
Countless networking events, conferences, seminars and courses to grow your knowledge of marketing and business prowess can leave you second guessing and confused about which one is right for you. Wouldn’t it be great to ‘magically’ be drawn to consistently making the right decisions for your business and life journey?
This IS possible. When we understand the science of our decision-making process, we see that it stems from our core neural programs. Each of us has an internal set of values that govern every action we take and, therefore, every result we make. Unfortunately, these internal values are fallible. They may be riddled with glitches, ceilings and self-sabotaging programs, producing undesirable results in our life.
You may have experienced this if you have found yourself repeating a ‘mistake’ more than once, giving you that feeling of going around the same old mountain again and again! Perhaps it’s losing money on bad investments, struggling to find the right staff or even a life partner!
The good news is it can be corrected in as little as a day! Our brain is an incredibly untapped resource that has the potential to unlock our ultimate desires — be it wealth creation, super success, health and wellbeing, or even true love and fulfillment. We need to clean out the old sabotaging programs and re-wire the new empowering ones.
This can be a little tricky on our own; as when we are too close to something, often, it can be difficult to see the detail and the bigger picture. Our Frontal lobe can assist us in stepping outside of ourselves to observe our thoughts and actions from a meta position. Questions like “Is there anything preventing me from achieving _________” (whatever it is you want to achieve) or, “What resources or emotional states do I need more of to achieve _______”, can help in ascertaining if there are any glitches present.
It helps enormously to work with another trusted source to point out challenges that may be in our blind spots. Be it a coach or mentor, this investment can save thousands of dollars and years of lost time. Check out who is available around you, their qualifications and authenticity. This may be the best return of your time and resource you ever make!
So before you commit to signing up for your next degree, take stock of what you already have. Perhaps some internal organisation and spring cleaning is in order to catapult you over the existing barriers!
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