Hi there.
Do you recognise the guy at the top of the email? If you haven’t come across him (or read his books) I want to give him a big shout out. Because his latest book has made a huge difference to me and I want to share his important message with you.
You see, I hear pleas for help from a lot of women business owners who carry their entire business on their backs.
They’re doing everything themselves, and some are getting under 5 hours sleep a night.
And they feel trapped by their business. They know that if they are not working in the business day in, day out, that the business might fall apart.
I totally know this place. I’ve been there… and not just when I STARTED my business and was still ‘learning the ropes’.
This feeling of total overwhelm (even when I had a team around me) was a symptom of growing the WRONG way.
If you feel overwhelmed and that you really are too busy to handle growth… if you want to stop spinning on the hamster wheel of business:
Imagine taking a 4-week vacation from your business – no contact at all – and coming back to everything running smoothly.
Sounds impossible? It isn’t. In fact, it could be possible in just 18 months.
In a special Business Growth Summit for Women Entrepreneurs session with Mike Michalowicz, author of numerous bestselling books for business owners, including his incredible new book, Clockwork, you’ll discover how to design your business to run itself:
“The ultimate goal is to remove yourself from your business for four weeks.” — Mike Michalowicz. Clockwork
In this Summit session Mike explains how to boldly set the date, 18 months from now, for a 4-week vacation.
Then the clock starts ticking and you follow Mike’s tried and tested process.
Join this Summit Session
Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself
with Mike Michalowicz
Watch this Summit session with Mike Michalowicz to discover:
- Why you should be the super VISIONARY of your business, rather than the SUPER HERO
- The ‘Four D mix’ (do, decide, delegate and design) and how to use it in your business to get yourself OUT of the day-to-day OVERWHELM
- When to support your employees’ decisions, even the bad decisions
- How to define, protect and serve your business’s ‘Queen Bee Role’ (when I discovered this… it was like lights went on and angels started to sing. SO GOOD.)
- What a ‘Clockwork business’ looks like and why you want one
- How the AC/DC model helps you IDENTIFY WEAK LINKS in your business
- Why your 4-week vacation allows your team to REVEAL HIDDEN TALENTS
Meet Mike Michalowicz
Mike is the author of four bestselling books including Profit First (you TOTALLY want to get this one if you want to get more profits from your business even when you’re just starting out), Surge and The Pumpkin Plan.
Mike’s newest book, Clockwork: Design your business to run itself, shows you the system that frees you to do what you love when you want, while your business continues to grow and turn a profit.
Business Success takes mastering the Outer Game (the tactics and skills, the knowledge) AND also (and almost more importantly) the Inner Game (the mindset, barriers to growth and self-limited actions and thoughts).
The Business Growth Summit for Women Entrepreneurs gives you access to 15 brilliant business minds, including Mike Michalowicz, for one week only. So grab your place now.
Here’s to doing what you love,

Suzi Dafnis
P.S. Want to know more? Meet some of my favourite entrepreneurs and authors in exclusive summit sessions. Watch them all or choose the sessions that will bring the most value to your business.