“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” – Steve Maraboli
From the research that has been done, we know that leadership is not an inborn trait available to a select few. It is something we are ALL capable of, if it’s what we actually desire. That really is what it comes down to, our desire. If we see ourselves as leaders and our mindset reinforces that belief, with the right training and skill sets, we can indeed become great leaders.
By definition, mindset is: “A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to and interpretations of situations.”
So how is your mindset? Do you have a predetermined attitude to your role as a leader? Do you consider the impact you have on those you are leading? As leaders, we are definitely making an impact, be it negative or positive. You get to choose which one it is. You can inspire and motivate your team and bring out their best or you can deflate and suppress the productivity in your environment. Either way, as a leader, you will be influencing those around you.
Your mindset will not only be affecting those around you, but the most profound impact will be on yourself. How you view yourself and your abilities will set the scene for your mindset which will in turn influence your own behaviour… and on it goes.
Having a conscious awareness of our own thoughts and behaviour is the key to self-leadership. Reed B. Markham says, “Self-leadership is the precursor to effectively leading others.” We must be able to lead by example and to achieve that, we must have a leadership mindset that includes self-awareness.
There is no doubt that your mindset is going to influence your behaviour. Neuroscientists have done a significant amount of research that shows how it influences our thoughts, actions and results. The important question here is: Are you getting the results you are after? If you would like to change those results, then maybe changing your mindset is the place to begin.
“Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life.” – Wayne Dyer
Making a mindset shift is not a temporary situation unless you are looking for temporary results. Developing a positive leadership mindset will make your results sustainable in the long term. It involves a fundamental change in how you think.
The following tips are worth considering:
Get to know yourself
Self-awareness is key to developing a positive mindset and changing your behaviours. If you aren’t aware, sustainable change is not possible. Observe how you feel and how your behaviour makes those around you feel. Is your impact positive or negative?
Maintain a strong belief in your abilities
Confidence is a key factor in strong leadership. Even when we don’t lead a team, we influence ourselves and those we deal with. If we don’t believe in ourselves, why would anyone else?
Keep the big picture in mind
It is easy for negative and challenging situations to overwhelm us and send us on a downward spiral. When we take a step back and look at the bigger picture, we can often see that the challenge is just a bump in the road. Keep your vision and purpose in mind.
Don’t be too hard on yourself or others
Remember that everyone faces challenging situations and often have self-doubt. Keep it in perspective.
The road to success is not linear, everyone has ups and downs. There are often challenges in our external environment and we can’t control that. What we can control is what goes on in our internal environment. We can control our thoughts and behaviours. And, we can develop a positive mindset.