As a woman growing and scaling your business, you need (and want) a safe place to ask questions and get trusted answers.
And not random answers from people who don’t “get” you or understand what you’re doing in your business.
You want answers from other women who have been where you are and have successfully gone to the next level.
You want answers from women who have successfully scaled their business… from scratch. And from 5 figures to 6 and from 7 figures to 8.
And you want support from women who are in the thick of growing a business while simultaneously managing family and outside commitments… all without sacrificing their health.
Doing all that is not easy — but it can be done. And it can be done successfully as you’ll find out from the women in our incredible HerBusiness Network community.
Beyond that, sometimes we just need someone in our corner cheering us on when things are rocking and someone holding us accountable to stay on track when things are not.
That’s what the HerBusiness Network has been uniquely designed to do.
So, whether you’re new in business and want to…
- Get more clients
- Reach more people
- Have less stress
- Help more people and make a bigger impact
- Get more time and flexibility back
- Work with your dream clients
- Or simply enjoy the peace of mind that comes with financial security
You will almost immediately discover others who are eager to do business with you inside the HerBusiness Network.
And yes, we have members who are generating significant revenue from those relationships (as will you).
And they’re supporting each other to grow their business.
I love seeing comments like these inside of our private group.

What could you turn HerBusiness Network Membership investment into?
Tina Tower grew her profile and got a ton of publicity for her business when we put her forward for media opportunities (and $20,000 in sales).
“I owe so much of my success to being a part of such an incredible supportive community and the generous legs up I’ve had from Suzi.”
The support in the network gave Anita McLachlan the courage to ask for help and pushed her, to push herself further and get unstuck.
“Sales have increased with women in the network now knowing what I do and how I do it, and I am confident that number will grow.”
Liz Van Vliet tapped into the expertise in the group to perfect her positioning and to create marketing materials that are generating leads for her business.
“I used my Connection Statement multiple times. I now have a bunch of leads as a direct result.”
The HerBusiness Network Has Been Specifically Designed To Give You The Support Where You Need It Most
Ready to experience this yourself?
Join the HerBusiness Network now.
Here’s to doing what you love, everyday!
Suzi Dafnis
CEO – HerBusiness and Founder – HerBusiness Network
P.S. As a reminder, TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY to join the HerBusiness Network before we close the doors.
Now is the time to be part of a network that values your contribution and that provides a consistent supply of support, resources and access to experts, a like-minded community and an endless supply of clients, right?
Because if you have an amazing message and business to get out to the world but you’ve been stuck trying to figure out how to get it out there.
Then you’re ready to join the HerBusiness Network.