For me, being a business owner is one of THE most powerful personal development programs I could ever do. ;-)
Because SO much of our success is based on how we show up.
It’s not just about what we are DOING, it’s also about how we are BEING.
And what that can mean, is that sometimes, the thing that’s really blocking you from moving forward ISN’T cashflow or technology or clients who won’t pay more, or a lack of leads…
Even though all those things are important, often the thing that’s blocking you from succeeding is your mindset.
Every time we seek to go from one level of being to a higher level, we set of what author Steven Pressfield calls, “Resistance”.
And “Resistance” shows up in so many ways…
- It’s the voice that second guesses you when you make a decision
- It’s the fear that keeps you “safe” inside your comfort zone, never stepping up or out into new opportunities for growth
- It’s the knot in your stomach that stops you from speaking up at that important moment
- It’s the self-doubt that asks the question “who are YOU to think you can do that?”
And, what I’ve found when “Resistance” shows up (because it shows up for EVERYONE) is that I have to be my own hero.
Just like those super heroes in the movies who come in and “save the day” – I need to be that for myself. Saving myself from my own resistance.
That doesn’t mean I show up wearing a red cape and flash some science fiction superpowers, but there ARE things you can learn to do that will help you get past “Resistance”.
Because, on the other side of “Resistance” is everything you want to have, be and do in your business :-)
I shared some of these “Hero” strategies recently during REACH week… and because I’ve had people asking me about it, I wanted to make sure you knew you could access the recording of that training here.
And there’s also a bonus download you can get to accompany that training here.
Join Us in Hawaii in October to REALLY Get This Process Working For You.
If you REALLY want to learn how to more fully show up in your business, we’re going to take you much deeper into this process when you join us at the upcoming REACH Retreat in Hawaii in October (find out more here).
In addition, you’ll learn how to put the 5-part REACH ProcessTM into place in your life to achieve ANYTHING you want.
So, if taking time out on a tropical island to re-imagine your business sounds appealing, you might want to consider applying to join us at the REACH Retreat.
Go here to apply for the REACH Retreat in Hawaii now.
During the 5-day program, you’ll get daily strategies for overcoming the blocks that are holding you back and finding a new level of confidence and empowerment…
And that’s just one part! We’ve got the full REACH ProcessTM to share with you… including:
- Reflect – Taking time out to look at “what got you to hear” – what’s worked and what hasn’t and becoming present to how you really want to show up in the world
- Envision – How to create the vision that will take your business forward and create the life you LOVE
- Act – How to create an action plan to focus and prioritise the steps you need to take to get you where you want to go
- Communicate – How to communicate your value and your unique message
- Hero – How to be your own Hero and step out in confidence and play a BIGGER game!
We’d LOVE to support you further as you take time out to create the NEXT steps in your business and the action plan to get there…
Here’s to doing what you love,

Suzi Dafnis